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That was his reaction to maldonado squeezing him you nuggit! Just open your ****ing eyes and look at the images.
Quote from Intrepid :He should have recognised earlier a car was on his inside like a certain Mr Schumacher who proved that it is possible not to crash when someone overtakers you into T1.

The image you've posted is one frame and is merely the consequence of maldanado not using his mirrors and slamming his car blindly into Hamilton. In the contest of the the sequence of photos the evidence is damming... What we have is quite clearly a 'racing incident'.

At the end of the day Maldanado left a gap and crashed because he wasn't smart enough to recognise that racing drives will see gaps and go for them.

In Shumacher their LINES were totally different. You can't compare 2 situations that have different lines like that. Schumacher turns exactly as sharp as Maldonado.

In the image I posted the hit had not yet happened so how is that a result? That is where the situation actually begun when Hamilton should've braked and let go. At the end of the day Hamilton is to blame and he's already been blamed for situation Maldonado by a few former F1 drivers as well. I think they know best, don't you?
The lines we're different because schumacher saw him and realised he'd left the gap and should leave room, not just turn in on him. By the time maldonado tried to defend the corner it was too late and too late for hamilton to do anything either. F1 drivers and the FIA have got it wrong before, they're not always right.
Earlier, there was an accusation that some people were being pro Hamilton. It seems to me the exact opposite is true.

Those images do tell a great deal, and a racing incident looks to be the most likely. Sadly the stewards decision is final, and the result cannot be changed now. Why is there such a heated debate still?
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :The lines we're different because schumacher saw him and realised he'd left the gap and should leave room, not just turn in on him. By the time maldonado tried to defend the corner it was too late and too late for hamilton to do anything either. F1 drivers and the FIA have got it wrong before, they're not always right.

Yet the decision was done few hours after the race and they had time to watch the replays more that we've probably watched.

Think about this too; If Maldonado hit a wall because he couldn't drive the corner properly because he was pushed a bit by Hamilton how could Hamilton have driven the same corner with even worse lines and the same speed and survived without hitting the wall? Simple answer he couldn't have done that and that's why all this conversation is useless. He must have known that he couldn't drive the corner with that speed. He used Maldonado as a bumper and caused the crash.
Because the FIA are stoned.

And he maanged to do it with schumacher, if maldonado had given him some room there wouldn't have been an accident, simple.
I can't believe you think that Hamilton's pass was identical with his crash to Maldonado. Just look at where their cars were...You are a troll right?
Quote from Juzaa :I can't believe you think that Hamilton's pass was identical with his crash to Maldonado. Just look at where their cars were...You are a troll right?

Look at the top picture!!!! It was identical until schumacher gave room and maldonado started to squeeze him. Open your eyes!
Quote from Juzaa :Yet the decision was done few hours after the race and they had time to watch the replays more that we've probably watched.

Think about this too; If Maldonado hit a wall because he couldn't drive the corner properly because he was pushed a bit by Hamilton how could Hamilton have driven the same corner with even worse lines and the same speed and survived without hitting the wall? Simple answer he couldn't have done that and that's why all this conversation is useless. He must have known that he couldn't drive the corner with that speed. He used Maldonado as a bumper and caused the crash.

That's rubbish, there's no way Hamilton was going too fast to make the corner.

The only reason they touched is that Maldo squeezed him in the actual braking area. I mean, they collided and still Maldo went over the inside kerb. That suggests to me that he turned in much earlier than he normally would have.

I think he saw LH and tried to defend too late, like Massa did.
Quote from sinbad :That's rubbish, there's no way Hamilton was going too fast to make the corner.

The only reason they touched is that Maldo squeezed him in the actual braking area.That suggests to me that he turned in much earlier than he normally would have.

I think he saw LH and tried to defend too late, like Massa did.

1. He was going too fast and too sharp.
2. Maldonado was ahead and Hamilton didn't use the space but instead drove straight. Maldonado didn't push him there.
3. Watch the replay not the pics and you'll see Maldonado's lines are exactly the same as the driver's who was in front of him.

''Look at the top picture!!!! It was identical until schumacher gave room and maldonado started to squeeze him. Open your eyes!''

Then can you explain to me why there's a black line that's under Hamilton's right front tire in pics 5 and 6 and in Schumacher pics it's about 1 meter from Hamilton's right front tire? It's exactly the same line in both pictures and with that you can see that even though the pics are cut so that it looks like both situations happen in same places they do not.
The reason he looked so sharp was because maldonado squeezed him. I don't know wtf you talking about in the pics, judging my the top pictures with the yellow line as a reference they look the same to me, infact i'd actually say lewis had more of an overlap on maldonado than schumacher, though it's hard to tell exactly because the lighting is different, like it actually matters anyway, all that matters is how far lewis was up the side of maldonado. Remind me not to race with you if you think just turning in on someone because you made a mistake and left a gap is ok. I'm not even going to argue with you anymore, anyone looking at the pics can see for themselves and make their own judgements
Juzaa just let them be... I've already learnt it's useless argue about Hamilton here, he makes no mistakes, he's that perfect.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Juzaa just let them be... I've already learnt it's useless argue about Hamilton here, he makes no mistakes, he's that perfect.

Yeah because your so unbiased when it comes to hamilton...
Quote from Juzaa :3. Watch the replay not the pics and you'll see Maldonado's lines are exactly the same as the driver's who was in front of him.

And that is the problem, he had a car on his inside, so either he didn't give a shit and expected Hamilton to stop on a dime, or just didn't look to make sure Hamilton wasn't charging up his inside. You cannot ignore your mirrors when racing, especially after a restart when you know someone faster than you is all over your gearbox.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Juzaa just let them be... I've already learnt it's useless argue about Hamilton here, he makes no mistakes, he's that perfect.

I#d say the forum is generally mixed in regards to Hamilton.

my view is quite simple with Hamilton. The racing in F1 is clearly not suited to him. It's all a bit too pussified and he'd be better off racing somewhere else with people who actually understand hard yet fair racing. It'd be a brave man to leave F1 because of the inherent prestige but in reality it really isn't all it's made out to be.

The drivers championship depends on the guys who actually build the car, and in the end you ask yourself - is F1 the pinnacle of driving talent in the world? No, of course it isn't. Is it the best racing? No. So what's keeping Hamilton there? Do what Kimi and Montoya did... get out.

I disagree hold heartedly with the stewards decisions... but hey that's what f1 has become... pussy. If you don't like it Lewis... take the brave step and just leave it.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Juzaa just let them be... I've already learnt it's useless argue about Hamilton here, he makes no mistakes, he's that perfect.

I'm starting to see that. This is my final post in here since it's no use trying to explain things to 13 yr old Hamilton fans. (I like Button much more, he's a real F1 driver)

And Pearcy the cameras that filmed the footage were not in the same place (which is quite obvious) and if you look at the ads in the wall in the fifth pic you'll see that there's an ad in left picture and no ad in right picture. Wonder why? Let me explain that to you; someone who likes Hamilton took pictures of the situations that resembled each other enough and cut them so that it would look as if they were taken from the same place and at the same time. They were not. Notice that in one picture you see the right side of the road and in the other you don't. In tv you could see both sides of the road. So someone edited them out. Why would he have done that since they would've proved his point much better if he was right? Just go to youtube and watch both actions and you'll see that when compared to outer wall when they pass it Schumacher is much closer to it than Maldonado. Lesson; do not trust pictures that can be cut the way the editor wants but instead watch the videos and determine for yourself where they were. The difference is about 1 meter which is quite much. I'm not bothering to make pics since you'll claim them to be edited for sure. WATCH THE VIDEOS, listen to professionals, don't use only one source!
Quote from Intrepid :I#d say the forum is generally mixed in regards to Hamilton.

my view is quite simple with Hamilton. The racing in F1 is clearly not suited to him. It's all a bit too pussified and he'd be better off racing somewhere else with people who actually understand hard yet fair racing. It'd be a brave man to leave F1 because of the inherent prestige but in reality it really isn't all it's made out to be.

The drivers championship depends on the guys who actually build the car, and in the end you ask yourself - is F1 the pinnacle of driving talent in the world? No, of course it isn't. Is it the best racing? No. So what's keeping Hamilton there? Do what Kimi and Montoya did... get out.

I disagree hold heartedly with the stewards decisions... but hey that's what f1 has become... pussy. If you don't like it Lewis... take the brave step and just leave it.

The way he has been so disheartened in the last 3 seasons (09/10/11) it wouldn't surprise me if he did leave the sport, but when you're making to the tune of 20million a year before sponsorship deals, that sort of money is hard to walk away from. I doubt he'd get that sort of pay packet anywhere else and that is what keeps a lot of these drivers in F1. It pays well.
Totally Hamilton's fault on the Maldonado crash, IMO.
It was the same overtake Hamilton did on Schumacher, only difference was Schumacher looked in his mirrors Maldonado didn't.

I think Hamilton was to blame for the Massa incident though as there was no room and he barely had a foot in.
In my eyes, Hamiltons front left wheel was way in front of Maldonado's rear left therefore giving him the right to the line. They made contact BEFORE the apex and its clear Maldonado kept his usual line thus squeezing Hamilton onto the curb. I really believe its a racing incident because Maldonado failed to see Hamilton and squeezed him out and Hamilton was a little aggressive on it.
I blame the terrorists. Ever since 9-11, the walls at monaco have been getting closer and closer to the racing line to protect the buildings from the drivers. By the time a Muslim F1 driver begins his career, they'll be safe.
Quote from JJ72 :Yup that unnatural line is called defending.

what ought to be a classic monaco race ruined with the biggest anti climax.

Defending is NOT turning in early, that would be intentionally wanting contact to occur , or trying to 'scare' an opponent off the road.

Defending is holding the inside, and holding your line would be turning when you normally do, if contact happens then, its the driver behind's fault.

As Pearcy said, effectively Massa and Maldonado turned the mirrors off and just turned asif they werent there.

Don't understand how you guys seem to think Maldonado and Massa's behaviour was acceptable.... I can understand more on the Massa incident but not the Maldonado one.
It seems to be a general habit now, that drivers are not using thier mirrors.

Formula 1 Grand Prix De Monaco 2011
(542 posts, started )