I've had my G25 for four years, never had any problems with the wheel or pedals, but the shifter had to have virtually all original wiring replaced to function reliably.
Always 100% ingame FFB and 100% in profiler, 101% before they had fixed the non-linear-scaling issue. Pedals filled to the brim with dirt, dust and doghair, no spiking at all.
I open the wheel up at least twice a year for routine inspection and maintenance (grease), never had to do any actual repairs until ~3 weeks ago. Optical encoder casing had shaken itself loose, which caused friction between the PCB and plastic encoder wheel, which fractured as a result of that. A dab of hotglue solved that problem
It's never lost alignment, never lost FFB, never caught fire, never had electrical issues of any kind, it has no play, it's no louder than it was back when it was new, all buttons are working, it doesn't overheat... Yeah, I'd call it reliable all in all.