What's that? Excuse my English, it is not that good.
Statistics Commands
First group of commands basically allow some manipulation with PB files.
!remove [car|*] [track|*]
This command removes all stats for certain tracks and/or cars. It allows you to delete e.g. all data for FBM on BL1, or all data for FBM on all tracks (denoted by *), or all cars (also specified as *) on BL1, and also all cars on all tracks. It is clear this command is very dangerous and must be used with extreme caution. It is reversible only by stopping Airio, rewriting STA files from latest backup and starting Airio again.
!remove – deletes all gathered stats on your current track and your current car.
!remove * FE6 – deletes stored statistics for all cars on FE6.
!remove RB4 * – deletes all peoples' RB4 stats on all tracks.
!remove * * – erases all stored PB data, the Airio.sta.cr.txt file with car-level data (split/sector times) will be empty.
!remove BL1 * – ERROR, 1st parameter must be car code.
Alternative versions: !rem.
!delete [car|*|**] name
This command deletes player's stats from PB file. The deleted data cannot be automatically recovered, so one needs to be careful with this command. The command always expects player's full username as a parameter. Optionally it is possible to set also car for which the player stats should be erased. If car is not specifies, your current car is used. Before issuing this command it is advised to use !pb command with the same format. Once it returns correct data that are to be deleted, you may just replace !pb with !delete.
It is also possible to delete player's stats not only for current car, but for all cars on current track. In that case use * as car code. If you are really angry at someone, you may delete all his stored stats for all tracks and all cars. Just use ** as car code, but make really sure you are entering the correct username.
!delete thehacker – deletes the player's statistics for the current track and the car you are in.
!delete * thehacker – deletes the player's statistics for the current track and all cars he ever used on your server.
!delete ** thehacker – removes all this player's statistics from your server, keeping only his personal setting.
Output of the command summarizes what was actually deleted, but the action is not reversible, unless you stop Airio, replace SAT files from backup and start Airio again.
Alternative versions: !del.
!clr [t|c]
This is one more command to manipulate with statistics. It clears temporary data stored on two levels called total and championship. They are definable periods for which some racing data (lap times, race times, points) are updated and then automatically deleted. Using the t switch will delete all temporary data at total level, c switch does the same for championship level. Routines of this command may be called automatically by setting specific values in days in common configuration file. For more on this see the configuration section. Output of the command says what level of temporary data was deleted.
# --------------------- Limad Names and Levels -------------------- #
# Usernames (registered) of limited admins aka limads. These names
# are checked upon connecting and exact case insensitive match is
# required. Default rights: Level 0 - can use prohibited names (good
# for team members), Level 1 - can kick, Level 2 - can ban anyone
# connected, Level 3 - can ban and unban anyone, Level 4 - can do
# almost anything, Level 5 - can also manipulate with stats.
Limad2=EQ Worry
# Just an example, feel free to remove me. :-)