Got my t29. Absolutely amazing fun tank to drive imho. Only problem I have is that the gun has really slow reload with the first turret. And really slow aiming. (vents, gld and rammer helps a bit). But in hull down it is invincible if arty doesn't shoot you. Have only played handful of games in it though. Got the ace tanker in my fifth match (which tells more about how useless and random those medals are). Before I really liked the IS the best t7 heavy. Fast moving, heavy punch and bouncy all around. Tiger p is fun too and the front can bounce all kinds of shots.
The grind with the m6 wasn't so bad after all. Almost kept it but had to sell it to make space for other new grinds. T1 was full of awesomeness imho but had to sell it too to make room. Also sold the su-152. Was just hugely frustrating to drive imho. Also (finally) bought t-50-2. A bit mixed feeling. Need to get the better tracks and guns and other modules but it is more knife edge than the t-50.
Still thinking about getting either is-8, kv-4 or vk4502a. I'll probably wait to see how the kv4/is8 buffs go before getting those. Vk4502a is tempting because it is mobile heavy a bit like is3 which I absolutely love to play. And it shares some modules with the ferdinand which will be connected to the tiger p in the research tree somewhere in future. But with my KT I absolutely hated that short 105mm gun which is the top gun for the vk4502a...
Have you guys played the vk4502a? Is it fun or frutrating tank?
Also the new american turreted tier 10 TD looks totally awesome. Started grinding my way to it. Going at T18 now...