The online racing simulator
Project X

Epic just doesn't do justice to the movie...
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Yeah, easily Nolan's best film.

Nah... The Dark Knight.
Despite it being a more blockbuster-type movie.

BTW: Hi! I'm unbanned apparantly.
Quote from Fastwalker :Nah... The Dark Knight.
Despite it being a more blockbuster-type movie.

BTW: Hi! I'm unbanned apparantly.

Different strokes, I guess.

Welcome back!
Indie Game: The Movie documentary worth seeing. Too bad they didn't approach non-US game developers this time. Scawen and Kunos would fit in with their never ending stories of niche indie titles
Watching Wilfred season 1 at the moment, crazy shit, laughing my a** off.
(CheerioDM) DELETED by CheerioDM
Quote from TV[cz] :Indie Game: The Movie documentary worth seeing. Too bad they didn't approach non-US game developers this time. Scawen and Kunos would fit in with their never ending stories of niche indie titles

I just watched this. It was interesting that these developers are shown to be very much at odds with the robot geek coder stereotype which I carry around (extremely ambitious, emotionally bipolar). Shades of 'The King of Kong', but here I just didn't get into rooting for the devs so much, as you just know from the outset that they're all going to make tons of cash. There's also a contradiction at the heart of the indie mantra, which is that they're all aiming to make deeply personally fulfilling games, but personally fullfilling unfortunately seems to mostly be about how many units they're going to shift. You can feel (one of them actually talks about killing himself), that if their games weren't popular, that things would really be catastrophic for them. Every time someone utters something along the lines of 'I only make games for myself', it rings very hollow.

I think there's one nice moment in the film- the part where one of the Super Meat boy creators reflects on the possibility of being an influence for younger developers.
Saw The Dark Knight Rises earlier tonight. Pretty damn solid, although the second movie is still my favourite.

Don't want to spoil anything, but the ending was somewhat cheesy IMO. Well, half of it at least. Also, Banes voice was so freaking hard to understand... Although I got a feeling it was probably down to the shitty cinema that we have here.

Also, not enough ass shots during the Catwoman scenes.
Alvin chipwrecked.

The joy of being a grandparent. Thoroughly recommended, like tellytubbies, with the right state of mind.

Only another hour to go....................
I really enjoyed The Amazing Spiderman. I love how it shows the story from the beginning and the process of him learning about his new found strength and power.
Saw a couple of them lately..

Sin Nombre - fantastic
Bin-jip - totally wierd but beautifull
The Dark Knight Rises - did not live up to the hype, i found it comical most of the part, where something should've been 'dramatic' and scary I kinda chuckled.. Bane's voice was super annoying and I couldn't resist laughing at Batman's voice in the this third part of the trilogy.. But Anne Hathaway saved the day!
Quote from Boris Lozac :Watching Wilfred season 1 at the moment, crazy shit, laughing my a** off.

You should get the Australian version of Wilfred.. It's the original and heaps better.. Well I might be a bit one eyed lol..

If you like that get Little Johnny the movie... Very very funny..
The Dictator
Quote from Bose321 :The Dictator

Saw that yesterday finally, apart from few good jokes and some usual funny political and racial incorectness, i found it average.
Expendables 2. Damn it was fun, crowd applaused when chuck appeared for the first time....
Watch it..
Project X was fine for what it was.
The new Bourne movie was really good, DO NOT judge it unless you have seen and remember the plot and characters from the other movies or books, it makes no attempt to bring you up to speed.

Total Recall made me want to see the original. It's an action movie. Lots of fighting and chase scenes broken up by minimal plot, but that's what I went to see.

Recommend a film you've seen lately.
(3163 posts, started )