Wow and I thought the sites I worked for had drama...
Guys... we only see a very small portion of whats involved in moderation on any site you go to. Many people notice the people being kicked or banned, but hardly anyone really notices how much work is required helping users and what kind of issues mods & admins really face on a day to day basis.
They have to deal with users that are pissed off for being banned from servers which isn't their fault, they have to help people find solutions to bugs they come across which again isn't their fault most of the time, and in general they have to do all of this with a smile while being insulted yet they are not allowed to talk back.... It's hard trying to stay positive when people are angry with you over things outside of your control.
The people that moderate this site and any other site are usually volunteers and do this on their own free will with little to no benefits other than they get to help people. Expecting them to be perfect when in this situation is not exactly fair to them not to mention a bit much to expect out of anyone really seeing as nobody is perfect.