Thank you for the alternate setup, Ramla! I've added a link to your attachment in the OP of the thread for those who might only look at OPs
Tracks can still be changed, but right now I'll work off of what we were planning in the Google Doc in the OP - I can't edit it so here it is with updated dates:
Round 1 - 13th October @ Blackwood Grand Prix Reversed (clear day)
Round 2 - 27th October @ Aston Club Reversed (cloudy afternoon)
Round 3 - 10th November @ South City Town Reversed (cloudy sunset)
Round 4 - 24th November @ Westhill International (cloudy afternoon)
Round 5 - 1st December @ Fern Bay Green (clear day)
Round 6 - 15th December @ Kyoto National (cloudy afternoon)
The 4th and 5th rounds are spaced only a week apart to avoid conflict with GenR's GT Open, and not have a race 3 days before Christmas