I do think you're right with that, your mind is set, there is no reason for you to move on from XP so why discuss it at length with us.
Maybe you shouldn't go to the extreme Eric has chosen to go, meaning no communication at all but just be a little more selective in which discussion you chose to get involved in. I do think this XP vs Win7 one for example would've gone the same way without your input, maybe it wouldn't be as heated (because both a part of the community and you got very strong views on the subject) but I still think it is an interesting discussion about the pros and cons of software moving with the times and deserves a space in the forums, this thread was probably the wrong place to go on about it though.
While it may not seem like it but I do think a lot of us really appreciate having a developer that is so open with the community and that is probably part of the reasons why so many still are so passionate about LFS and whatever happens in this forum. I still think no/very little communication is the wrong approach for the situation we are in right now, just ignoring the few naysayers when stuff doesn't work out as planned is still much easier then ignoring an even bigger part of the community that used to love speculating about every little thing you guys decided to share with us.
But that is another topic where there's strong opinions on both sides and was discussed at length already, so I'll stop now before we get into even more drama.