The online racing simulator
yay i got a wheel
(7 posts, started )
yay i got a wheel
but i cant drive

does anyone else have a logitech formula vibration feedback wheel?

a setup for it would be great for the xrt and could you please tell me the wheel turn compensation you use aswell please and the degrees you set it at. thank you.

Quote from daveb948576 :but i cant drive


As to your questions, I turn off wheel turn compensation, I like my steering direct and predictable. Helps in car control, although it means all the cars steer like an F1 car (i.e. not exactly bad, but not realistic either).

Easy throttle control, be gentle on the steering, and get a stable set, the rear should stay planted in the XRT. I would usually recommend my own easy race sets but they're currently made for old tyre physics. My effective 69 hour working week means I get little time for updating such things.
thanks i can only try
the only bit that is holding me back is when i try to exit the corner smoothly the back end will whip round and send me flying in the oposite direction the only problem being is my arms cant move that fast or keep up with it. any sudjestions?
You don't really have to move the wheel that faster to countersteer effectively. But you do have to start turning the wheel in time, if you wait you'll miss the opportunity to hold/correct the slide. Try unwinding lock as you apply the throttle, it's hard to explain, it just comes with experience. And if the car ever does start getting out of control, ease of the throttle (but don't lift off sharply).
i am slowly getting there i have managed to do a few full laps with out spinning out and i got a best time of 1.36 not brilliant but at least i am going around the track now.

also your easy race setup works a treat even though i would love to go sidewaze but its going to take a lot of practice i think
I'm in the same shoes as you atm. Had me DFP for near a week and only beeten one of my old PB's (Oval) but i have learned when to start to straighten up the wheel and once i got that, i didnt need to countersteer as much. Also, the backend whiping out sounds like too much throttle to me, and as Bob says, as your straighting up, apply the throttle evenly, should sort it out.

yay i got a wheel
(7 posts, started )