Spent a long time testing last night. I'm starting to think my shadow ghosting problem isn't actually anything wrong with lfs and it's just my brain which has started to notice it. Therefore I believe it's just a trait of the display and the true black smearing. An oculus employee did twitter they know about the issue and already have a fix for it. I was sad it hasn't made the light of day yet though but I imagine there's pros & cons with the fix as it has to do with turning the pixel off etc.
The problem is forgotten about when racing, it's mainly noticeable when stationary and looking around the cars interior.
I found one other small issue, when driving down a straight and looking 90 degrees left or right, the scenery isn't smooth as you drive by, it stutters. Has anyone else noticed this?
I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, lfs with a dk2 is just the best gaming experience I have ever had. It really is the next level. I can't begin to imagine lfs with the new tyre physics, new content and a rift CV1. Scawen, you have done an amazing job, in fact it's sooo good you've made the dk2 better than most people thought possible. Good times ahead hopefully
I tried the MRT5 last night which probably gives you the best sense of speed as you can see the ground right beneath you and tricks me into thinking the FOV is wider. Wow, what an experience even just driving with the AI. Slip streaming right up to another MRT5 gearbox and pulling out for an overtake and then watching the car next to you side by side before pulling off a move is just mind blowing. The other cars just seem so real and the right size. They seem big and look like they have mass which never happened on a monitor. As I was following close behind another MRT5 I thought I saw sparks as it bottomed out on the straight but it was actually just the low resolution of the screen but how cool would sparks be while wearing the rift! Anyway, getting carried away.