How fast can you complete 1000 kilometers? This is the question to which we will find
answer in 30th august - Race Green Events presents the fastest possible racing in
LFS - the Summer 1000 kilometers race with Formula BMW Sauber F1.06 at the Kyoto
Ring oval! The race will be held in pretty much oldschool style - no safety cars,no caution
periods,every driver has to avoid danger by himself,stay alert for whole race while
travelling way over 300km/h mark.
Event format will be held pretty simple - it starts with single car hotlap qualifying
where every driver will have 2 hotlaps to set their best laptimes which will determine
starting order. The 336 lap race will start with 4 pacelaps behind pacecar,after these
the green flag signal will be given and the race for glory can be started. Since the
race length will be around 3 hours,entered cars can be run either by single driver or
shared between 2 drivers.
Saturday,30th August
17:00 UTC / 19:00 CET - hotlap qualifying
17:50 UTC / 19:50 CET - gridding begins
17:57 UTC / 19:57 CET - start of pace laps
~18:00 UTC / 20:00 CET - green flag
Every car entry will have one outlap and two hotlaps to set their best laptime. If a car is shared between 2 drivers,only one of them can run qualifying laps. Qualifying order will be determined by server's Airio !top table,where every driver will have chance to set their laptimes in practice mode before event. Any specific tyrewarming is allowed only on pitroad.
Starting the race:
Due limitations of LFS,race distance will be set to 340 laps,first 4 of them will be run behind pacecar which will travel with ~240km/h pace. After initial green lights of LFS,field carefully pulls away from grid and forms single file field by keeping safe distance to car in front. Exiting turn 3 of 4th pacelap,pacecar will move out of track and leader has to control the field by keeping pacecar pace until he decides to go full throttle -that can be done anytime in area between start of pitwall and start/finish line. When leader reaches start/finish line,the "Green flag" message will be given (via RCM and chat) and the racing can begin. Before green flag message,no overtaking manouvre may be started - this means that drivers have to stay completely behind the car in front and may not pull any part of car beside car in front.
Just for information - official Kyoto Ring oval track length is 2.98 kilometers,which means that 336 laps are 1001.28km long. To ensure preciser timing of race length,official timing will be started 1.28km after the start/finish line.
Every driver must race in safe manner and avoid any contacts at all times. Every driver has to be aware of any cars surrounding his car,either by using look left/right buttons or in-sim applications like Aonio/LFSLazy. Cooperation with other cars using slingshot drafting might be very essencial in this race,make sure you have practiced it to do it safely. For reference,check Oval drafting tutorial by Fragmasters,which works pretty similar also when using BF1.
Formula BMW Sauber can drink it's full load of fuel tank in less then 30 minutes (about 52 laps) while racing full throttle here in Kyoto Ring oval,which means pitting is a very important part of this race. When entering pits,driver has to enter on apron before turn 3. While driving on pitroad,driver has to stay on right side of yellow pitroad dividing lines and may cross them only when entering/exiting his pitstall. Also when exiting pits,driver has to stay on apron until exit of turn 1,only then it's allowed to enter racing surface. When entering track from pitting,driver must give way to cars racing at full speed by staying on one side of track until full speed is reached.
Other info:
Driver behavior in blue flag situation - drivers must stay predictable at all times,there is no need to pull away from racing line or drastically decrease speed. Also cooperation with car lap[s] ahead is not forbidden as long as driver of lapping car accepts it.
In case of lost connection,totalled car,running out of fuel or other situation that makes impossible to continue started run,every driver has the right to rejoin track - every rejoin will cost 3 laps deduction from total lapcount in final results. In case of such situation,total laps will be calculated manually after the race.
Ingame chat is not forbidden,but drivers are expected to concentrate on racing. Allowed are short messages between drivers of same car about pitting and taking over,but voice chat applications (like Teamspeak etc) are suggested to use instead of in-game chat. In case of too much chatting while ignoring messages asking to cease chatting,a penalty may be given. In case of any abusive/offensive language a penalty will be given!
Specific car skins are not required in this race,allthough it is suggested to have a skin that displays entry number on car's nose and rear wing end plates. Also skins must fullfill lfsworld skin upload requirements and drivers may not use skins they don't have rights to use - like private skins of others or other teamskins.
Name format will require entry number (colored in white) in front of your registered name,number and name must be seperated by space.
Sign-ups and also event results will be tracked in Summer 1000 spreadsheat.
Server is online: Summer1000 (click2join). Server will be password protected from morning of race day and all registered competitors will receive information via personal message here in lfsforum.
Event will be held using the latest stable version of LFS.
All information here can be changed,if so,notification will be posted about changes.
Signing up:
In order to compete in Summer 1000 event,you have to fill the registration form below,providing all needed information (in case of no team to represent,leave empty):
*Entries with 2 drivers per car have to enter both driver info in same line and seperate it using slash "/".
*Entry number may be selected in range between 2 and 99!
Here's my sign-up as an example:
Entry number: 96
LFSW name: Eclipsed
In-game name: RG^Rony
Full team name: Race Green Autosports
Nation: Latvia
In case there are any changes to sign-up details,please quote your edited post in a new one with a note about changes!
Sign-ups will be closed 16:40 UTC / 18:40 CET (20 minutes before event start)
Good luck in the race!