what's the matter with Alan Jones? he is the former F1 driver, right? oh no wait, I meant John Watson, who was paired up with Ben Edwards in good old Eurosport times when they still showed F1 from friday practise session till the race live. I miss that so much, those two were really good on making the commentary interesting. Here in Hungary we have two arseholes covering the race, they are so stupid, I bet they are much worse than your James Allen!
Although recently an ex sim racer (GPL champion, Gábor Wéber, he is racing touring cars nowdays in the hungarian championship) is pairing up with one of the arses, he is quite ok, has decent technical knowledge, but he is not the commentator type really, although he has improved quite a bit since the start.
I wish I had a channel to watch F1 in English...even the German guys at RTL are better, although I really dislike Heiko Wassers' voice...german guys should know why