if you have to ask for prove that god exists then you don't get what religion is about, religion is about reaching out to an area where human cannot fully compensate ,understand and control, it's a premise that something is more superior then mankind, and that thought is very important in counterbalancing the eccentric nature of humanity.
I am not saying religion is an absolute truth to be behold, because when you accept a religion and the notion of god, you are admiting that there are things you don't know for sure and you have to "believe" in. You can't get rid of religion unless you get rid of human's desire to understand the universe.
In my point of view, some people are inspired to believe in what they believe, and there's no other way for them, because they can only know so much and that is their reality, it's their path in search of their worth of life.
But there's diversity in this world and human will never totally believe in the same thing, however I also believe there's the existence of a truth, a truth that is hidden undernealth all the riots and conflicts that we have to find. If truth itself is unobtainable in foreseeable future, the process of searching it will be a fundamental meaning in the concept of "living".
(**** I am full of crap