After 6 rounds of racing spread out between end of june and start of october,the inaugural season of V8 Racing League is finished and the fastest Formula V8 racer is now know. But lets start with some figures. A total of 34 drivers took part in VERL 2015,another 10 signed up,but never arived,23 drivers scored points towards Drivers Championship,3 drivers crossed the finish line as a winner of a round. First two rounds were attended by 18 drivers,last two just by 9 and 8 drivers,featuring the typical LFS league trend - dropping attendance of drivers towards end of league. The season averaged 13 drivers per round,which of course is not a big number,but considering that league's featured car is deffinitely one of the toughest of available cars,full grids were never expected.
Without any doubts,the fastest of them all was Finnish driver S.Litmanen,representing Sonicrealms Racing - he won 4 out 5 rounds he attended,setting fastest lap in all 5 rounds and setting best laptime in qualifying in 4 rounds. He wrapped up the championship after 5 rounds and never attended the final round,giving other drivers the chance for glory. With lucky break in final round,VERL main organizer Rony climbed up to 2nd position in final standings by winning the final round,where 3rd place owner Arco had problems with connection and lost it before reaching points guaranteeing 2/3 of race distance. Arco finished in podium position in first half of season with 2nd as best result in round 2 and also set the best laptime in qualifying of round 5. A total of 4 drivers started the race in all 6 rounds - all of them finished between best 5 in standings,remainig 2 drivers are Falke,who finished 3rd in final round,climbing up to 4th place in standings,and M.Stratter,who has 2 4th place finishes in rounds and 5th place finish in season.
Best team of this season was Sonicrealms Racing - and that not only because S.Litmanen's performance,also his teammates backed him up a bit,allthough none of them attended more then 3 rounds. The hosting team Race Green Autosports had only 2 drivers and not that good start of season,but slowly the 2nd place was reached at end,Conquest Racing had only one entry - Arco's sole performance was good enough to put his team in 3rd place in final standings.
Also Nations Cup winners have it's glory thanks to the series champion - with good assist from his countrymen,S.Litmanen led Finland to the top of standings with 2 drivers finishing between best 5 of the season. Latvia is the 2nd of 2 nations having 2 drivers in Drivers Championship top 10,earning 2nd place in the final table,Germany was the 2nd most represented country and jumped to 3rd position after final race.
Race Green Events thanks to all racers joining the new league (where the champion will be thanked very soon with his prize money) and welcomes everyone to the 5th season of their winter league All-wheel-drive Winter Series. Starting in late december,AWS will feature 6 very different rounds with both LFS's AWD cars - FXR and RB4. Schedule is partially entered in lfs.net calender,but all details will be published around late november.