The online racing simulator
How can I make my admin work on my LFS game?
I set up a dedicated server, but cant figure out how to make the admin thigns work. As I have the server 2inches from me on another monitor, it aint that big a problem, but I got a mate that I want to give admin too and it wont work!

I've tried putting the admin password in the password thing when connecting to a server, but it still says I dont have admin rights. And as soon as I change anything in my Configs, the LFSLapper tells me the admin password is wrong,,

Anyone able to help me?

EDIT: Oh, and is it possible to run several servers off one PC? :P
THat fuxed it up again, so I probably gotta install the whole server again... Because that admin error wont fix =/ Anyone with a fully configured client (or just pro with configuring) that can help me?


and change it to


Then when connecting to the server look under the server name. You will see a box that says host password. In there type in your admin password.

Have Fun
Aye but it doesnt work! And it's a drifting server, so its not like I can do without Lapper =P

OK Got the admin working! But still lapper to go!
This is the lapper Command Line.

$Host =; # Host IP. When more network interfaces are present, set it to IP of your host.

$Port = 29999; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing /insim=29999 in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server

$Password ="Password"; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server

$TrackInfoFile = "trackInfo.cfg"; # Path to the TrackInfoFile used to compare splits

$TCPmode = true; # Connection to LFS in UDP mode or TCP mode

$EnableRegisterWeb = true; # When set to "true" your LFS Server is displayed on the FRH Team website

This is the server Config

// host name
/host=Drift For Life!

// optional: password
// optional: admin password
in dedicated server configuration you need to write like this:

// optional: InSim port

not like this:
// optional: InSim port
thats not the problem. I start insim and its been working fine untill I started ****ing with the passwords!

I can however get LFStats to work, so theres a problem somewhere in the config in Lapper


Got it all working now! Edited and edited and edited and edited and suddenly it came to its senses! THanks for the help peeps!
Now that I got that sorted, does anyone know how to get the Angles and Speeds to work perfectly on LFSLapper? My score keeps resetting when I get a perfect drift. It would work on other servers , just not mine!
same cant do the admin thing
Hello I report my similar problem here:

I have rented a host from In the host setup there is a place where I entered admin password.

Naturally I want to be administrator during I race in my host. So I log in and put my admin password in the host password -box.

But: if I type !pl the result tells me I am only limited-admin (Limad4). How that is possible? I enter the admin password when joining the host and the result is that I am only limited-admin?

So how I can use Airio *admin* commands there (=how can I get full admin rights) or is it impossible?

edit: if there is no solution for this question then another question: My original problem is that i want to use !delete admin command in my host, because there are bad laptimes registered by an unfair racer. I would like to delete his statistics. How can I do it when limad4 rights are not sufficent for running that command?

Sounds like an airio setting issue - LFS and Airio are 2 different applications. Refer to lfs\docs\commands.txt for actual LFS commands and use them. Might come in handy someday when you have no airio. I have seen so many experienced server admins,who have no clue how to control server when airio is down... Big grin

But in that airio laptimes deleting - browse through airio config files,somewhere should be option to set,who is real admin and who limited.
Thank you for your comment.

I did not find a way to increase my Limad level in the game.

I downloaded Airio application and tried to connect from my home pc to the rented host (wich ip-adress and Insim port I know) but I got only TCP-IP ERROR.
think problem is airio free higest limad is limad4 so he need too give more rights too limad4 Smile
Thanks for clarifying the reason for the problem. So I have to find out if I can have Airio Full there.
that works Smile, thank you! That it was: EnableStats - how I did not see that parameter before. I changed 5 to 4 and now I can use !delete.