Hallo,racers! As some might have noticed,for past 2 years at the summer end a season of V8 Racing League was started,but it's already september and the 3rd season still hasn't moved. Now it's time to start something. And I will start with a simple poll about racing day - last year there were quite few complaints about clashing with AB leagues,as seems like they have some monopoly on the day. This year I would like to hear your thoughts about the best week day for VERL races,options are:
1. Keep it on sunday
2. Move to monday,as CityLiga had a decent attendance when it was active
3. Move to wednesday,because... Well,your reason.
(Please vote on the attached poll,feel free additionally comment)
Other days I don't see as an option,because fridays and saturdays are no-go for me personally,tuesdays are busy with other event from Race Green Events (RTFR) and thursday seems to be populated by 2 other events.
Now about the league so you know better for what are you voting - VERL is a league using Formula V8 cars and race features 200km distance,while 20min qualifying will decide grid order. Event official part lenght will be just under 2 hours,start 19:30 CET (UTC time 17:30 or in november 18:30). Due late start this season will most likely consist only of 4 rounds,featuring Blackwood,South City,Westhill and Rockingham environments. More info about VERL you can get browsing threads of previous seasons under these links:
2016: https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/89852
2015: https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/87973
Hope to see many opinions and activity,see you on track!
Race Green Events
Race Green Events