The online racing simulator
Restart is a single-player tool, NOT a multi-player tool
There's a lot of new drivers logging into servers, and the first thing they do is vote to restart the race.

This is incredibly bad manners, and if you're one of these people, you need to stop doing this IMMEDIATELY.

The other thing that they will often do is spin on the very first corner, and then vote to restart.

This isn't what the vote-restart is for. it's fine if you want to do this in single player or hotlap mode, but when you do this every single time in a multi-player race, all you are doing is disrupting every other driver's time on the server.

Vote-restarts are only for situations where there is a major calamity that IRL would result in a red flag; ie, a race stoppage.

If you misuse the vote-restart function, then more than likely you will end up being banned, either by vote or by an admin, for disruption. For the more experienced drivers on the server, it's tantamount to being deliberately crashed into. Also you should avoid trying to restart after the 1st lap has been completed - once again, you will most likely get banned for such behaviour.

So please, stop using vote-restart for your own selfish purposes, and also take the time to read the !rules before jumping straight into a race and getting yourself in trouble.
I agree!
#3 - nacim
Agree, I'm only okay with first turn restarts when a big crash happened.
#4 - lucaf
I've seen this happening with people with small experience and usually not even interested to do a whole race, just want to have a "drag race" to T1. They join the server, and even there is race going on, they vote for restart. Absence of server administrators/moderators makes possible this phenomenon to grow into a new entertaiment culture.

Then I've seen racers, who request restart if they fail in T1, even all other cars pass it without problems. If their vote doesn't pass, they demand restart agressively in chat. Big grin
#5 - Racon
I love when people start a vote and then start screaming that no-one else is doing what they're "supposed" to be doing, gives me a chuckle. I may create a macro with the dictionary definition of a vote, but I don't think people like that are capable of absorbing information without having it forcibly inserted into them.


Kinda similar, what's with people ending a race before leaving a server?

'Cause people will join and immediately bounce a lot more often from the pit screen than if they can see the track (ie, the 'no cars in race' screen), so ideally I'd prefer my servers left on 'no cars in race' if there's no-one driving. (I realise this only applies to a server with a second connection, but I generally camp one when I'm away from the computer and see it a lot when I rejoin.)

I don't know if they know this and are ending out of spite (it's often accompanied by amusing little outbursts), or they don't know this and are trying to be helpful... or, more likely, some of each.
#6 - expr
IMO any user joining the server mid race who then proceeds to vote for restart should be simply auto-kicked to remind them of their stupidity. I can't really think of cases where that would be the right choice anyway, just a chore to do manually.

Unfortunately I don't think any tool has this quite handy option built-in (not that it would be too hard to implement, but then again who wants to run million little tools on their servers anyway).
#7 - lucaf
In another sim, the voting has a period of time until its valid. In LFS no, wich causes sometimes hilarious situations, when non-voted racers spectate from track.
Quote from Racon :
Kinda similar, what's with people ending a race before leaving a server?

I've seen someone do this, not ending the race, but a restart and disconnect when there was only one other person on the track with them and a couple of spectators - I can't imagine it was out of anything other than spitefulness - so I used !recent to ban them for a few days. Don't know if they got the point of the lesson, but we had a good laugh at them anyway...