Presenting Street Obsessions, a friendly community founded in 2013. We started as a small cruise team mainly focused on the highly popular [TC] servers. We quickly established ourselves as a strong team and proved ourselves worthy of becoming their affiliates less than a year after our creation. Since 2013, a lot of great members joined the team. Some of them quit, some of them stayed and currently compose the core of our team.
Street Obsessions is more than a cruise team. Over the years, we slowly evolved into what we call a "family community". We treat ourselves as family members and we choose our members accordingly. From LFS, we moved towards other driving games as the years went by. We currently focus on LFS, ETS and AC (to name a few).
"More than a cruise team", Street Obsessions is highly interested in each individual. That's why we put extra effort in finding "active social members". While playing games is our starting point, sharing our daily lives and banter is what we really like to do. You might not see Street Obsessions members often on servers, but I can assure you that our Discord is always VERY alive. Slightly aimed towards older people, we don't always have time to play but we always have a couple of minutes for a nice chat.
2017 is coming to a close and it's time for Street Obsessions to shift into higher gear. We do have big plans for 2018 and presenting our team to the LFS community is step #1. We do hope that our year-ending event, Downhill Dash, will spark some interest in the team in itself. We're always on the lookout for new faces to join our forces and help us grow bigger. Now, i won't lie to you, LFS ain't our priority anymore. While we still play on servers on a daily basis, we're currently preparing to migrate towards other games. This is all part of our "master plan" for 2018. Check on us every now and then, you might be surprised.
Want to check what we've been up to in the last few years? Check our threads on TC: http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?fid=119
Interested in chatting with the team? You can find most of us on Discord, in both LFS and TC servers. If you're REALLY interested in the team, shout me a private message and i'll provide you with a link for our team Discord.
To end this thing on a high-note, here are some pictures/videos from our team.