Hello LapperUsers,
See the changelog below what the new features are.
|Changes from to|
-New Function
-New Events
-Several BugFixes
01: New Event: Event OnTakeOverCar($Player_Old,$Player_New,$Car)
Event executes when someone takes over someone cars.
02: New Event: Event OnLapValidation( $userName,$HVLC,$Time )
Reports when a player hits a wall, goes off track, goes Out of Bounds, Speeds in the pitlane
#Output of $HVLC
# 0 : Off Track
# 1 : Hits Wall
# 4 : Speeding in pitlane
# 5 : Out of Bounds
03: New Event: OnInterfaceMode() VERSION LFS 0.6R12 required!!!!!
-Reports in which menu the Player is.
-Also report when a admin is editing an object in Shift+U mode
Event OnInterfaceMode($userName,$Mode,$SubMode,$SelObject,$Time) # Player event
01: New Function: GetAngle(); See attachment
-Get the angle of location or player , depends on your Cars Heading.
$Angle = GetAngle($userName,$userName);
$Angle = GetAngle($TheLocation,$userName);
$Angle = GetAngle($userName,$TheLocation);
$Angle = GetAngle($TheLocation,$TheLocation);
$Angle = GetAngle("-150:26","-150:26"); #(X:Y,x:y)
02: New Function: CarSwitches(); //More info in Docs/CarSwitches
-Set switches of your car lights,horn,siren,flash,signals
NOTE: You must be a host to enable this function.
03: New Lapperoption: DebugSettings , in LFSLapper.LPR
-When set one of the options below, it will displayed the executed subs/events/Loops in your Lapper console.
$DisplaySubs = 0; #Player created subs
$DisplayLoops = 0; #DelayedCommand functions,
$DisplayEvents = 0; #(Catch)Events
#Note: These settings are in a testfase, there is a chance that some subs not will be displayed in your console.
04: New Function: FileExist();
-Check if a file exist.
$Folder = "C:\Users\Danny\Desktop";
$FileName = "Testfile";
$Extension = ".txt";
IF (FileExist( $Folder,$FileName,$Extension ) == 1) THEN
privmsg("File Exist");
privmsg("File does not Exist");
05: New Function: GetListOfFiles();
$Folder = "C:\Users\Danny\Desktop\CruiseFolder";
#Get an array of files from the folder
$ListOfFiles = getlistoffiles($Folder);
$NumberOfFileInFolder = 0; #This is the first file in the folder
#Values you can get from each file.
$FileNumber = $ListOfFiles[$NumberOfFileInFolder,"FileNumber"];
$FileName = $ListOfFiles[$NumberOfFileInFolder,"FileName"];
$CreationDate = $ListOfFiles[$NumberOfFileInFolder,"FileCreated"];
$ModifiedDate = $ListOfFiles[$NumberOfFileInFolder,"FileModified"];
$FileSize = $ListOfFiles[$NumberOfFileInFolder,"FileSize"];
06: New Lappervar: 'Lapperstate'
-Check which state your lapper is. Stable or experimental etc
01: Lapper Console: Message/command length increased from 30 characters to 80 characters
02: Lapper Console: Message/command sendtime decreased from 1000 milliseconds to 100 milliseconds
03: Lapper Console: Server Connecting messages.
04: WriteLine(); Possible to use colortags ^0 - ^8 See attachment
05: Write(); Possible to use colortags ^0 - ^8
06: Sqlite Database libraryfiles. (not mono yet)
07: Event OnObjectInfo($userName,$NumO,$Action,$X,$Y,$Z,$Type,$InDex,$Heading) # Player event
//Added new value for $Action
//Get GroundLevel ZByte.
08: LFSLapper.LPR main scriptfile.
09: Update TrackList.cfg . Thanks Sinanju :)
10: Possible to not allow AI on track. THANKS LakynVonLegendaus
#Disable AI drivers# (Can be found in LFSLapper.LPR below $DefaultTopCar option)
# If enabled, LFS will not allow AI drivers to join race (/ai) and all AI drives that are
already on track will be spectated on Lapper start/reload
$DisableAI = -1; # Enable (1) or disable (-1)
11: Add/Removeobject: Floating values for X / Y / Z axis are now possible
12: Add/Removeobject: Non-floating input values will now be converted into floating values
13: Lapper no longer returns $userName converted to lowercase format
14: UserGroupToFile no longer converts usernames to lowercase format
01: FO8 characterbug in SetAllowedCars();
02: F08 characterbug in AllowedPlayerCars();
03: Remove($String,$StartIndex,$NumberOfChars) : Error when StartIndex is lower than 1.
04: Addobject(): Lapper crash when X and Y values are floating (comma) numbers (0,00).
05: Addobject(): Lapper crash when Heading value is negative.
06: Removeobject(): Lapper crash when X and Y values are floating (comma) numbers (0,00).
07: Removeobject(): Lapper crash when Heading value is negative.
08: EditFile(): Lappercrash caused by a wrong hardcoded errormessage.
09: Lapper Console: Lapperserver 'stopped' message while starting a lapperserver.
10: Hosts also executed Flooding Events.
11: No error messages for StartLightControl.
12: joinrequest: Lapper crash when CarHeading is lower than 0.
13: (Priv/Host)Delayedcommand: Cannot be executed when settime is not equal with the current time.
The Delayedcommand task stays in the list and will never be executed.
Continues loops could hang. And had to be resetted manually.
14: Add/Removeobject: Heading value wasnt calculated correctly. And negative values werent possible.
15: Random UCO insimpacket crashes
16: AFKTimer/IdleTimer PlayerVars
See the bug/request tracker in the link below:
Some feedback whould be nice