[MRc] is happy to present the 1st season of the BF1 League. To enter the League, make a post here giving your requested car number, LFS license name, your real name, your nationality and your team name (optional). Separate each field with a /, no space between the text of the field and the /.
15/Rickymania/Rick Ruschitschka/Germany/Master Race Car
Any number 2-99 is free for selection. Number 1 will be reserved for the first champion of the [MRc] BF1 League.
Signups are open now, and will close 1 day before each round. Server will be passworded and password sent to drivers 1 day before the Round. One sign-up will hold for the whole season. Sign-up list
Check the driver's guide below and ask any questions you might have.
Driver's Guide website
Driver's Guide download
Every round streamed by simbroadcasts.tv