The online racing simulator
Discord message
Hello, what I want to do is to use the same image below and print the names of the active players on my server in places such as New BlockLine_01, New BlockLine_02, but I can't do it because when I use something similar to the code below for what I am going to do, it sends messages for each user, so it does not write in 1 message.
Attached images
discordembed1 (1).PNG
just so you know:
That image is so small, no one is gonna be able to find `BlockLine_01`
Thanks I fixed it
Could you explain what you did. With a examplecode
Could be helpfull for other lapperusers
= GetListOfPlayers("U");
$Player IN $LoP)
$PLYuserName = "*".$Player["value"]."*";
$DiscordChannel = "1173189892583460946";
I can list active players with this code, but I want it to be listed where I specified in the photo above

- Example - (Not working)
CASE "!embed":
$Channel = "";
$Title = "LFSLapper Embed Title";
$Desc = "Embed Description";
$Color = "0xFF0000"; #RED
$FieldTitle =
"Field_01 Title"
."%nf%Field_02 Title"
."%nf%Field_03 Title"
."%nf%Field_04 Title";
$FieldValue =
"*Field_01 Value*\n*Field_01 Value*"
."%nf%Field_02 Value"
"%nf%**Field_04 Value**\n**Field_04 Value**\n**Field_04 Value**\n**Field_04 Value**";

$FieldInline = "True%nf%True%nf%False%nf%False";
$Footer = "LFSLapper Footer: ".GetLapperVar("ShortTime")." %nf% ";
$ThumbnailUrl = "";
$ImageUrl = ""; SendDiscordEmbed($Channel,$Title,$Desc,$Color,$FieldTitle,$FieldValue,$FieldInline,$Footer,$ThumbnailUrl,$ImageUrl);

Quote from Bass-Driver :Could you explain what you did. With a examplecode
Could be helpfull for other lapperusers

He fixed the image size, not the actual problem he asked help for (if I am understanding things correctly).
A visual example of what I want
Attached images
Ekran Görüntüsü (1099).png
Can someone pls help me
The code below will display each player: NickName plus UserName, into the discord embed.

$ListOfPlayersDiscordEmbed = "";
$LoP = GetListOfPlayers("U");
FOREACH ($Player IN $LoP)

$UserName = $Player["value"];
$NickName = GetPlayerVar($UserName,"NickName");

$NickUserNameString = "".StripLFSColor($NickName)."(".$UserName.")";

###Create a new line after each $NickUserNameString has been added to $ListOfPlayersDiscordEmbed
$ListOfPlayersDiscordEmbed = $ListOfPlayersDiscordEmbed."".$NickUserNameString." \n";

$DiscordChannel = "";
$Title = "";
$Desc = "";
$Color = "0xFFFFFF";
$FieldTitle = "List Of Players:";
$FieldValue = "".$ListOfPlayersDiscordEmbed."";
$FieldInline = "True";
$Footer = "";
$ThumbnailUrl = "";
$ImageUrl = "";
