The online racing simulator
LFSworld features in game menu ?
how about add Live Alert option into multiplayer menu in game ? there is an username finder but list of friends online is more comfortable.

im not a programmer so i dont know how the refreshing list of games works but.... if its all available on website ... and we dont have to wait for any refreshing there , its showed instantly, can LFS menu import those list from LFSW to game menu instantly ?

one more idea
if the game can download skins into skins_x folder , how about a downloadind spr replay with current WR ? you know , pressing a button on some track/car config and game is downloadning a wr into /spr folder

all those options can save a lot of racers time ... not everyone gots a ultrafast connection

regards , qsq
oghh , and about refreshing a list ...
if we import it from lfsw it will be probably showed without pings right ?
so lets do it like that:
game is importing the list without pings from LFSW / player choising the host , and then game refreshing only those one choosed , with showing the ping... possible ? :P