You gotta fix the sound, it clips insanely bad. If you made it with 'OPTIONS->AUDIO->Prevent clipping (EXPERIMENTAL)' turned ON, you must turn this OFF and re-tune your audio.
EDIT: I took a closer look in Audacity, your engine .WAV is too hot. I set the peak to be -9dB but this still seems a bit much, however this gets you on to the path to success with it.
My personal recommendation is to have the .WAV peak anywhere between -12 and -9dB (note. decibels is logarithmic. -9dB is a vast difference from -12dB).
Note here^ 'New Peak Amplitude' versus 'Amplification'. Peak amplitude is the thing you're after.
Play around with this a lot until both things are satisfied:
-No clipping except in only the worst case scenarios (IE, tunnels, etc.), though clipping is avoidable altogether, it just takes lots of try-fix-try tuning.
-You are very satisfied with the sound
Off to a great start!
I dove in a bit. I uploaded the .eng if you would like to try. If you like it, feel free to use it or derive from it.
-set peak -12dB
-applied notch filter at:
Audacity has a tool to check for things like notches in your EQ (Analyze -> Plot Spectrum), this helped identify a few areas. My perception is these cause noise and can create a certain fatigue on the ear rather quickly.
-> this fixes small "bumps" in the EQ...mitigates a hiss noise and removes a low treble harshness that adds fatigue to the ears.
before notch filters:
after notch filters & amp. adjustment:
Happy to hear your thoughts