The online racing simulator
RTFR and RTFR XL 2024 main info - WCL sponsorship and Sim Broadcasts livestream


The year 2024 has started and it's time to announce plans for RTFR and RTFR XL! The 1st race of the year is already finished,but the actual scored standings season is set to begin in 16th january with RTFR XL starting week later. The best through these scored seasons again receive money prizes,once again kindly sponsored by World Class Lions team. Full details can be found in Sponsorship document.

For season standings the same points system will be used as in the evergoing rating system - for full details hower mousepointer over rating sheet's green colored title bar,here are the links to both spreadsheets: RTFR and RTFR XL.

What stays same and what changes:

* RTFR's year will be split into 2 seasons again,this year each will consist of 12 races. Season 1 will start on 16th january with 324th RTFR and finish on 18th june with 335th RTFR. The 336th RTFR will be an off-season event,but the 337th RTFR will start the season 2 on 16th july which will end on 17th december,where 348th RTFR will be the season finale and also the last RTFR race of the year as we will not be hosting races on either 24th or 31st december. As always combos will be selected with same method where one race is using cars with street tyres,next with slick tyres and so on. As the user created cars are increasing in quality,they will be used more,however we will stick also to our classic LFS cars,which will be used at least in 5 rounds out of 12.

* The prize format for RTFR XL has slight changes,therefor the scoring has also altered - now all 12 season rounds will count towards standings (in 2 seasons the 2 lowest scores were dropped). Now the prize money amount will be affected by scored points count with some bonuses for overall standings positions. There have been also alterations how combos can be selected - first noone will be allowed to select combo for 2 races in row and also one driver's selections are now limited to 2 per calendar year,that guarantees at least 6 different drivers per year who will be eligible to select next combo. Another minor change is that car used in a race will be locked out for next 5 races (4 before this year),class lockout stays the same - 2 next races,while mods will be allowed to be selected max 2 races in row,forcing LFS standard cars to be used at least in each 3rd RTFR XL race. Full details on combo selection can be read in RTFR main info thread on this same forum section.

* Points system stays the same - each event has it's own system,both however are very similar. RTFR keeps the base of 20 points for winner based on 20 (or less) starters,where each 3 starters more than 20 adds 1 point to winner's gain. RTFR XL has additional attendance based base score increasement,which 2022 reached the same 20 points for winner - if 5 races in row have more or less attendees in race than current base score,it get's increased or decreased by 1. Not affecting the yearly standings which leads to money prizes is the ever going rating,which puts up on top of the table most successful racers in last 15 races in RTFR and last 12 races in RTFR XL. In both of those ratings the latest 2/3 of races count fully,but the oldest 1/3 of scores are halved.

Both events have been entered into racing calendar,where the combos will be updated as soon as possible - the currently set "XFG at BL1" is simply a placeholder. Info about each event will be posted in this forum subsection as it was always done previously in the information threads.

For past 3 years RTFR and RTFR XL were honored by having a great promotion through livestream by the best broadcasting company around LFS - Sim Broadcasts. With sponsors support,the broadcasting will continue also for 2024,giving a great chance for people not in race to follow the action live and to racers in the race - relive the action from the spectators view. will broadcast by availability all races that are part of standings,taking a break in summer when the non-championship race will be held.

Additionally you can visit for their full streaming schedule and contact,or their forum thread for local updates.
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2024 Season 1 RTFR final standings

We have run out of fingers of one hand counting scored years in RTFR - this was the "finger one of 2nd hand". The 6th year is also divided in 2 seasons,the first of those was concluded last tuesday,however without any intrigue for the 1st position in last race. This season started with a big bang - both in terms of numbers and... Well,we know what happened and we hope to not repeat that. The 1st race gathered up 42 drivers in qualifying,which is season highest attendance,later through the year attendance it dropped reaching the "low" 22 twice in last 4 races,averaging 31.75 drivers per round - that's 4 more than in previous season and over 11 more than all time average. A total of 81 drivers scored at least 1 point in this season,24 of them finished in top5 at least once,while there were 5 different race winners,2 of those attending just that single race they won.

RTFR 2024 Season 1 standings winner: B2マ M
Already before final round it was clear who will take the honor of being the best of 2024 season 1 - lithuanian driver using a single letter in his name won 4 races out of 12,finished 2nd in another 4,scoring an additional 4th place finish to finish the season 26 points clear of competition despite bad race in penultimate round and not attending the last one. Besides the frequent victory lane visits,M set the fastest lap in qualifying 4 times and in the race 6 times,climbing up to 15th position in all time success ranking. He was between best 9 in both seasons of 2023,5th in 2023 S2 was his previous best result.

The 2021 season champion R.Kardol scored his 6th overall standings podium this time,finishing 2nd for the 4th time in row. The dutchman won 2 races and finished 2nd 4 times,tying the champion for most top5 finishes in the season with 9. Another S1dus driver took the other side of the podium - Unite scored most 3rd place finishes through the season (3) and total of 6 top5 finishes with 2nd place finish as best result. It's the finn's 5th season podium in RTFR,2 of those were 2nd positions in the table.

The defending 4-champion Gábor (winner of last 3 seasons) repeated this season's champions count of race wins,but due low activity in the 1st half of the season he wasn't between candidates for the glory,but at least secured one 1st position in tables - the hungarian scored 5 pole positions,1 more than next best. The race winners list includes 2 further names - J.Holmes and Lagooga both won a race this season,however without attending other rounds,none of them made in top30 of overall standings.

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This year there is only one off-season race before starting the 2024 season 2 on 16th july - this time the season will start with a road tyres using car,however any information about that will be published on weekend before the race. 1 week before that the RTFR XL season will start it's 2nd half in South City - the championship in longer RTFR version is longer and lasts through whole year and currently also here M is holding top position of the table with R.Kardol and Unite currently in positions 2 and 3.
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RTFR standings 2024-S1.jpg
#3 - jkat
Sponsors geetings and prizes sharing for RTFR season 1 of year 2024
We are already mid year 2024 in calender vise and concluded RTFR Season 1 just before Midsummer Festive Season.

The 1st RTFR season of year 2024 is now completed and final standings announced. Info of prize winners and how to get the prize will be shared within this post.

Once again we have experienced action packed fun racing from race to race and popularity of RTFR is bigger than ever. RTFR concept really seems to work very well RGA as host, streamed by Sim braodcasts and sponsored by team World Class Lions. Let's hope the Season 2 will bring interesting combos offering close and fun racing from 1st race until last one.

The season 1 of year 2024 has followed the same concept from year 2023 with slight increase of mod usage in the races. Mostly the mods have been quite good apart from few exceptions. Anyways although mod might not be perfect it is still same for all the racers competing with it.

Now when season 1 of year 2024 is closed the prize money will be shared for racers who reached them.

Once again on behalf of team WCL we thank all the racers taking part on the RTFR Season 1 of year 2024, very enjoyable season with lot of action, team RGA as organizing body and Sim broadcasts team for their effort to broadcast the races and continuing the success story of the RTFR league in live for speed.

The earned prize money for RTFR 2024 Season 1 follows the list below

1st place: 30€
2nd place: 15€
3rd place: 10€
4th place: 10€
5th place: 10€

Therefore the racers receiving monetary price are as follows:

B2R M (YZex) 30€
S1DUS*R.Kardol (rik97) 15€
S1DUS*uNite (nikopdr) 10€
[WCL]Arska (ArSk4) 10€
ZFRL●Thehemuli (thehemuli_) 10€

Congratulations to prize winners !!

Like earlier the payment method is paypal unless the prize winner has not a paypal account and is unable to open one. If that is the case then some alternative payment method need to be agreed. This is then to be agreed via private messaging as all the prize winners will be contacted for getting or checking paypal account information or validity. Winners are partly same as earlier seasons but information for transactions will be still checked with private message.

2nd Season of year 2024 starts already 16th of July 2024 comprising 12 races so there is plenty of time to sharpen your racing skills, best way to do so is to take part to off-season RTFR races and throughout the year running RTFRXL Season. Experience racing with mods you can get for example taking part of RGA's Randomcar series 2024.

So see you on track !