The online racing simulator
Question on mods
(17 posts, started )
Question on mods

I have two questions about mods. First, is it possible to use mods offline? I have experienced that if I disconnect internet, switch to a standard car, I can´t load the mods car I just had. If I start the same race, the mods are in use with the AI drivers, but I can´t drive the mods car without connecting to internet.

The second question is how I can call on a mods car from a command line, like /CAR XFG. I haven´t found any way to do this with the mods.

Hope someone has the answers to these questions.

mod list needs to be loaded to browse mods, even if you've downloaded them previously.
Unfortunately, there is no "/mod" command similar to the "/car" command.

When originally considering this, the problem I encountered was: if implemented in a reasonably simple way, it would give access to non-public mods.

Currently, the downloaded list of mods is required to determine if a mod can be used. I couldn't think of a simple and reasonable solution to this problem, so I left it out. So for now, this is one of the many improvement suggestions that I can't stop and do right now as there are more important things to do first.

Ok, understood, everything can't be done, especially if there's no need for it by the big public.

Not sure if it's a supported method, but you could go into the lfs folder, mods/vehicles, then find the mod you want to drive that you previously downloaded, take off the ~01 or whatever number, and do the same for the .veh file inside that folder. Then in lfs you can go to mods, and test at the bottom and it should show up in that list. No idea if this breaks the texturing or anything else though!
Quote from OpenClutch :Not sure if it's a supported method, but you could go into the lfs folder...

Ok, thanks, I'll give it a go!

Your suggestion seems to work fine! It's possible to drive mods offline!
But, I also would have wanted to choose a car from command line, like /CAR XFG, but that I couldn't get working. I tried to copy all the files in the mods car folder for that particular car, to the folder with the same name, but I only get "Unknown car parameter".
Wonder if the developer can create an easy fix for this?
Anyway, thanks a lot man😎

Quote from Meseplayer :Wonder if the developer can create an easy fix for this?

See Scawen's reply a few posts above.
Yes, I did see that, but as I only want to use some of the mods offline in my sim, and only racing against AI:s, I don't see the problem he described...
Quote from Meseplayer :Yes, I did see that, but as I only want to use some of the mods offline in my...

Some mods are private, so that only specific players can use it, what you're suggesting may bypass this "filter" and allow anyone to use private mods, which would be an issue
Well, I personally have no intention to use anybody's privates mods, zI
I just wanted to be able to choose a mod car by a command.
btw, what is a private mod? Wasn't the idea with mods that you want others to see your mods, to see what you're able to create...?
Quote from Meseplayer :btw, what is a private mod? Wasn't the idea with mods that you want others to...

A private mod would be a mod that only people with permission from the author can access, they're usually WIP and go public once they're finished
Not everyone wants to share their work with the rest of the world and that's fine. One can create something and share it with his close friends, without anyone being able to judge or complain (for example).
Quote from Scawen :Unfortunately, there is no "/mod" command similar to the "/car" command...

Hi again.

Somehow I can't understand the problem of being able to call on a mod by its name, like for instance /CAR CAMMERA JGT. If someone wants to create private mods and race the online with their friend only, then just make the name call possible only for the official mods, that shouldn't be to much of a task I think. I understand there's not many people how needs this so it's no big priority for you, still, I think it should be done at some point.

You're going in circles
Quote from johneysvk :You're going in circles

Yes, you're right, this isn't going anywhere, it's over and out from me.


Question on mods
(17 posts, started )