The online racing simulator
new yorker drift car help please!
i need help understanding how to properly apply textures to a car i have some nice models i want to add but the textures never sit properly and it bothers me this is an example. the top is supposed to be soft looking and the console also doesn't look great either please help.
Attached images
Screenshot 2024-09-21 080945.png
Screenshot 2024-09-21 081039.png
I'm by no means a pro, but it seems like you only have to duplicate the mapping and rotate it to get the correct "aspect ratio" on it. The roof texture looks good on the sides, but is stretched on top. If you rotate it so it covers the top area, the sides will look stretched, so you will need two of the same mapping to cover both angles.

Same goes for the interior. Also be sure to check the source of your 3D model before publishing Thumbs up
we only have planar projection mappings in editor
each X Y Z axis will need a mapping
each mapping can have same cutout
u will rotate each mapping so they face their axis
polygons must have the mapping of the closest axis they are facing to

cubic, spherical, cylindrical, UV mappings, or exotic projections are not possible yet
i understand how to to duplicate mapping but when i do it. it doesnt highlight the whole car like the original does and even though directions have changed in the direction column the new mapping is red i assume that means its not in use? thankyou for your time
also when i rotate to the top the direction just says free idk why.
Quote from sevendust :i understand how to to duplicate mapping but when i do it. it doesnt highlight...

The duplicated mapping will be exactly like the original one. So same size, location and cutout. While it looks like the original is highlighted, it's actually the copy. You can drag and rotate it with the blobs around it. You always need to assign the mapping to the tris. it's supposed to be shown on. So in your case the duplicated mapping needs to be rotated to the side and assigned to the "side" of the roof.

"free" behind a mapping only means that this mapping is not sitting parallel or perpendicular to the x,y,z planes of the editor. If you want a mapping to be marked as (for example) "top" it needs to be visible from the top view and the rotation values in the bottom left need to be either 0, 90, 180 or 270. But it doesn't really matter as long as the mapping isn't stretched on the model...
man many thanks!! perfect explanation the top looks great now!