The online racing simulator
LFSW name: siemks
In-game name: siemks
Full team name:
Nation: England
LFSW name: teppari
In-game name: [WCL] T.Soini
Full team name: World Class Lions
Nation: Finland
(Flame194) DELETED by Eclipsed : Demo racer signup - S3 required for this league!
LFSW name: zmaty14z
In-game name: [MRc] ZMaty14Z
Full team name: Master Race car
Nation: Chile
LFSW name: hermanni89
In-game name: hermanni
Full team name: n/a
Nation: Finland
LFSW name: aplastador200
In-game name: [LCS-R] Aplazt
Full team name: N/A
Nation: Mexico
LFSW name: lordferius
In-game name: SGR MadJester
Full team name: Sh*ts and Giggles Racing
Nation: Portugal
LFSW name: Houssem.221b
In-game name: Houssem.221b
Full team name: n/a
Nation: algeria
#33 - jkat
LFSW name: jkat
In-game name: [WCL]J.A.Katila
Full team name: World Class Lions
Nation: Finland
LFSW name: MousemanLV
In-game name: Wj/MousemanLV
Full team name: Winners
Nation: Latvia
LFSW name: Yasso7up
In-game name: [SyN]tBug
Full team name:Synoris
LFSW name: nikopdr
In-game name: S1DUS*uNite
Full team name: Team S1DUS
Nation: Finland
LFSW name: rayman95
In-game name: B2R Rayman
Full team name: Born to Race
Nation: Spain
(Aplastador200) DELETED by Aplastador200
LFSW name:kazuracing
In-game name:kazuracing
Full team name:
LFSW name: Sobis
In-game name: YES Sobis
Full team name: Yes Motorsports
Nation: Lithuania
LFSW name: bozso
In-game name: bozso
Full team name: n/a
Nation: Hungary
LFSW name: MickyleG345
In-game name: #25 M.Griessen
Full team name: RGR racing
Nation: South Africa
LFSW name: Petranas
In-game name: Petranas
Full team name: n/a
Nation: Lithuania
LFSW name: TheRubius192FE2
In-game name: B2R Rubi
Full team name: Born to Race
Nation: Spain
The following entries have not attended for 2 rounds in row and therefor have been marked as inactive - that means they will not be added to upcoming car draw:

B2R 136
[MRc] Michal
[MRc] ZMaty14Z

To be added back to car draw,these entries have to quote own entry post and add "Reactivate" to it.
LFSW name: NotNiceLV
In-game name: SSM x K@nfl1ct
Full team name: Sindre Silva Motorsport
Nation: Latvia