The online racing simulator
Pitstop reapair
(12 posts, started )
Pitstop reapair
I think there should be a choice under the F12 button if you want to repair youre car at a pitstop or not.

Sometimes i go in for a pitstop and my car is working fine, but i have to wait 10 second for a repair i don't need.

I want to have a choice for:
- only tyre change and fuel
- complete repair

And maybe later something in between.

This way you can choose what you want and it is more realistic.
I think we must have what we have now, but then with repair on/off...
and suspension damge fixing choise (like left front. left right, left rear and right rear)(front fixing, back fixing, or fixing all)
also with the tyres... (like: !sus lf rf rr (left front, right front, right rear) for doing only those things with suspension?)
Quote from BlakjeKaas :I think we must have what we have now, but then with repair on/off...
and suspension damge fixing choise (like left front. left right, left rear and right rear)(front fixing, back fixing, or fixing all)
also with the tyres... (like: !sus lf rf rr (left front, right front, right rear) for doing only those things with suspension?)

That is accactly what I mean!!
me too

last week i lost a race because i got extra 7s in my pitstop

and my suspension was just fine
#6 - Vain
The usual gossip about this:
The unnecessary damage-repairing will stay in place until the damage system is at least something close to reality. Then, when smashing head-on against a wall actually has an effect on the car's performance, the devs will reconsider the damage-repairing in the pits.

BTW I think it will be bad for last lap pitting :-(
-1 until car damage affects speed. At the moment you can do what you like to the car, bounce it off walls, hit people, and there is ZERO penalty (unless you get suspension damage). Thus the penalty is in the pitstops. Drive more carefully and you won't get the penalty.

When the cars lose speed/downforce/stability/braking etc from damage I'd like to see more options for damage repair, but not until then. It's currently the only system we have to encourage people to not crash into each other.
Quote from tristancliffe :It's currently the only system we have to encourage people to not crash into each other.

Not quite. The wreckers will just shift+s and then re-join.
Simple fix to prevent a wrecker jumping to the garage is to not allow anyone to join mid race from the garage or spectating. About the only series where you can move your car bahind the wall to the garage and repair and then back out on the track is endurance racing. In every other form of motor sports going behind the wall to the garage is a retirment from the race.

Pitstop reapair
(12 posts, started )