The online racing simulator
Please put General lfs discussion in ROOT
this is driving me insane. am i the only one?
i hate this structure. back , foward, back foward, i feel like the fukin dot of pong.
its so much easier, faster and better, to have it all in 1 page.

all thats needed is for "liveforspeed" to become "general lfs discussion".
first page should have all structure as is + general lfs discussion posts imho.

maybe a poll?
Yep should be a poll imo
#3 - gunja
nothing wrong with how it is now :s
its not about being wrong its about becoming better

but really, whats so better about it? you will still need to go back and forth. or hit page down a load of times to get to the threads...
Makes no difference to me.
Quote from dUmAsS :but really, whats so better about it?

if you dunno, why post?

go to other forums and youll see that if the forum is one themed like this is, it almost always allows posts in home (and that becomes the general discussion)
if not for anything else, coz thats exactly how it was in last forum we had. we had the subdirs of lfs inside lfs, not out (as is now).
if you cant see the difference its not my problem.
Quote from KiDCoDEa :coz thats exactly how it was in last forum we had

a flock of sheep springs to mind...

think about it
#10 - Gunn
I prefer this structure.
Quote from dUmAsS :
think about it

think about what? you have anything to say?
kid is just a lazy sod when it comes to surfing the net, if you didn't need to click, what the hell would you do with your mouse? oh wait, I'd rather you not say
back to chimp cage you go!
(Schooner) DELETED by Schooner
yes im a "lazy kid", thats why i posted about how imho this forum could be better...
maybe you should post that also on all other games that use that... "convoluted structure".

now i'de really like to know why this structure is better than having general discussion as root.
#15 - JJ72
Having one less click is just about usability, it isn't about "lazy".

Me too prefer the old structure, since this is indeed the core discussion zone, as portal to another zones as well, which is totally logical, why is the change?

The only disadvantage of the old structure is that you have to scroll down quite a bit before you reach the threads, however scrolling is easier than clicking a link given that there's no extra loading time.
You can't make the general topics show up as posts on the index page of the forum. All vBulletin forums are setup so that the root has just forum categories. Unless you make a template modification, it could be possible then probably. Otherwise, it just isnt.

It is only possible inside a designated forum/category.... like RSC has it. In order to do it, you need to have the general LFS forum have a parent category... like we have here.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I just tried this on my own install of vBulletin, and I've wanted to do it before, but never could.
if u cant bring it back to root u can send the dirs in root to inside lfs discussion lol

anyway u understood what i suggested

i erased my vb a few years ago so i cant test it