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Should Bob Smith get a shave?
(62 posts, started )

Poll : Does Bob Smith need a shave?

Closed since :
Who is He?
How about Bob with a new eye patch a trendy new look these days (it's not the best edited picture in the world but the best one i could manage)
Attached images
Bobs new face.jpg
#27 - Jakg
Quote from tristancliffe :I think he should replace it with a small rodent, possibly Richard Hammond.

thats the funniest thing ive read all week!
Quote from Madman_CZ :does anyone know whether moderators can edit poll results? no cheating now Bob!

yes, they can!

And yes, Bob, keep it!
I think he should keep it.
Yeah, Bob, keep it. It makes you look more manly but have it painted black or something. Red beard is just plain weird.

But then again, what do I know. I´m a guy. And lets face it, men only care about their appearance to appeal to the opposite sex. So I would only listen to the opinion of the females.

Quote from Flying Squirrel :lol Kaley EST...

Kaley eh? Must be my evil twin...
definately ... get that bugger off his face

Quote from Bob Smith :I'll consider it, especially since that photo sits on my website anyway...


uuuh british teeth
here is a pic of what Bob would look like with no beard!!
Attached images
bob with no beard.jpg
You forgot all the nicks and cuts from the razor.

I just shaved mine after letting it grow for about 3 weeks. It just started to look really bad.

It's actually kind of funny how it goes. One day I'll decide it looks like crap and shave it all off and say to myself, "yeah, that looks a hell of a lot better." A few days later, it'll have grown back a little bit and I'll tell myself, "meh, no real need to shave yet, I think it looks okay." Rinse and repeat.

I think it looks good on Bob, though.
#33 - Jakg
Quote from Madman_CZ :here is a pic of what Bob would look like with no beard!!

nice work! anyone care to do a "Pirate Bob"?
Quote from Forbin :You forgot all the nicks and cuts from the razor.

I just shaved mine after letting it grow for about 3 weeks. It just started to look really bad.

It's actually kind of funny how it goes. One day I'll decide it looks like crap and shave it all off and say to myself, "yeah, that looks a hell of a lot better." A few days later, it'll have grown back a little bit and I'll tell myself, "meh, no real need to shave yet, I think it looks okay." Rinse and repeat.

Pffft, only n00bs cut themselves. I shave by putting my face on the fanbelt of a Veyron at redline. Nice and cleanly shaven.
Pirate Bob! Arrrrrrrr
Attached images
pirate bob.jpg
lol, nice one Madman. Now get a job you bum!
Clown Bob?
Tristan, go eat more jaffas.
k, last one... Clown bob
Attached images
clown bob.jpg
I just did actually. Stupid computer, grrrr (see other thread for details).
Quote from Madman_CZ :here is a pic of what Bob would look like with no beard!!

no no no you got it all wrong !
Attached images
I Searched Smith/Shaved/Bob....

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is an active link worth?
Quote from AtomAnt :I Searched Smith/Shaved/Bob....

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is an active link worth?

Look at the post above yours.
why doesnt someone edit if so he has jaffa cakes coming out of his mouth
and november will be the "edited-bob's-face"-avatar-month?

Hope not, that would just be weird, and very freaky from my perspective. Every other face used on this forum has been people of people either hurt or dead (r.i.p.) and I've no intentions of joining them just yet.

Anyone using my face in their avatar without my permission shall have it removed!
#49 - Jakg
Quote from Bob Smith ::S

Hope not, that would just be weird, and very freaky from my perspective. Every other face used on this forum has been people of people either hurt or dead (r.i.p.) and I've no intentions of joining them just yet.

Anyone using my face in their avatar without my permission shall have it removed!

try it, bitch!
#50 - axus
Quote from Jakg :try it, bitch!

You're calling a person several years older than you "bitch"? Where do you get off doing this? If this was real life, right now, you'd resemble a pancake. I'd understand if there was something mildly funny about your post but there just isn't. Its the same old, boring, retarded humour (I use the word lightly here) that causes a mild chuckle from people whose age hasn't hit double digits. And if its not meant to be funny, just what is that post doing there? Is it maybe just for postcount?

Should Bob Smith get a shave?
(62 posts, started )