The online racing simulator
Online Racing School starts!
(21 posts, started )
#1 - Cawwa
Online Racing School starts!
Team XFR starts an Online Racing School in LFS. The school starts in the end of August or the beginning of September.

We wants to do some payback to the community. We hope this way is a good one in order to improve racing skills out there.
At this time we concentrate in the drivers that are pretty new to sim racing. If you run in the OLFS League's lower division you probably can find some usefull tips and ideas.
Our goal is to help people to improve their skills on racing technique, tactics, setup and above all, behaviour on the track.

If you seriously want to improve your skills and think this is something for you, post here in the lfs forum or in our forum at our team site.

Headmasters: Cawwa and Eblio
Teachers: All the team but more from; agor, Toretto, Cawwa and Eblio

Welcome with your aplication!
I would like to apply. I'm not a n00b, but there's still LOTS of room for improvement.
i would like to apply :D
i would like to apply to get better on racing and makin setups
#4 - Cawwa
Most welcome!

It's easier for us if you sign up at our team site and use the template there.
Thank you.
#5 - Cawwa
To make it even more easy. Just click on this link and copy/past this template, fill in your info into the message area to register:

Real name:
LFSWorld name:
License (demo, S1, S2):
Online racing experince:

Don't forget to insert your name and mail adress in that form.

Our site have some more info, including a Q/A section in our forum that will grow with your questions.

Good luck with this guys...We tried it and did not get a good turn out for it and also the guy who was ment to run it never bothered his ass lol...So gl guys
#7 - Cawwa
Oh really? ... I thought we were first on this ...

No swaet though, if some guys in the lower pools in the OLFSLeague are interested or/and other newbies are interested we give it a shot. Besides we are two headmaster and the whole team suport this idea ...

I recall some drivers pointed out that it wasn't a good idea for me to run in the pool 9 when I qualyed for pool 4. Well, now when I got some distance to it I think they were absolutly right. Appoligies to them.
But what I really learned and bring with me was the lack of speed they had in that pool. Imo they could pretty easy get alot faster just with minor corrections. Actually that's where I got this idea to the Online Racing School.

So ... just keep them registrations rolling, we are ready for you guys ...
when do this start?
#9 - Cawwa
Quote from Cawwa :Team XFR starts an Online Racing School in LFS. The school starts in the end of August or the beginning of September. ... // ...

You should have mail waiting in your box.
The Online Racing School starts Monday August 28.
If you want to join, go to our forum for more info or use this link with the above template to copy/paste with your info.
We'll give you a task to do before that Monday.
Hey guys ... remember to check your email proper. Since you just type in this in the form you have to write it carefully. E.g. it's not homail ... it's hotmail. I dunno why you use hotmail so much, it's pretty crappy.

If you want an invitation to gmail just let me know!! I still have more then 50 to invite.

Also ... at our site you choose Forum, to the left, and there choose the Online Racing School you get a lot of your questions answered.
We have now sent out an answer mail from me and/or Eblio, to all of the applicants.

If you haven't got any mail, pls send a new reminder
I just sent out a reminder for you who haven't done your homeworks. Or more right to say; since you haven't received your homework I corrected my mistake ...

You also need to go to our forum for more detailed information concerning the school and to complete your form.
The day to day info will be there from now on.
Will there be one for demo'ers too? I'd love to join but I haven't the funds for buy S2
Yes, there are demo drivers too. Welcome with your application.
That was great fun, Eblio was really really good, i'ill keep working on that last section
10k U for the kind words! Please go to our forum and see additional info and some requirements, coz we gotta track your progress
Lesson 2 mails have been sent.

Pls contact me if you didn't get any mail

Meet you at the track ...
Lesson 3 mails have been sent.

Pls contact me if you didn't get any mail

Btw, the forum have gone through a face lift ... new "rankings", more smilies and new banners for you all ...
We have decided to have Wednesdays and Saturdays evenings as permanent times.

In special ocations we might move the times temporary.

In any case emails are send for lesson 4.
And now ... THE END ...

Look in the Ending the Online Racing School thread.

Online Racing School starts!
(21 posts, started )