The online racing simulator
Taxi simulator
(60 posts, started )
Taxi simulator
I have a weird fascination with driving a taxi, and I was actually searching for a Taxi simulator when I first came across LFS.

I tried looking for a taxi game/simulator but I could not find anything. I dont want "Crazy taxi" or "GTA" other arcade crap like that. Is there a game/program that I don't know about where I could drive a taxi around a city?

I know it sounds retarded but I always dreamed of driving a taxi when i was a kid
Quote from silver bullet :I have a weird fascination with driving a taxi, and I was actually searching for a Taxi simulator when I first came across LFS.

I tried looking for a taxi game/simulator but I could not find anything. I dont want "Crazy taxi" or "GTA" other arcade crap like that. Is there a game/program that I don't know about where I could drive a taxi around a city?

I know it sounds retarded but I always dreamed of driving a taxi when i was a kid

If you have PS2 then Getaway: Black Monday - you can steal a cab and drive around london, although the physics are like hippos trying to turn 240 degree corners.
I do like that In the getaway are real cars... (also damaged)
that's what other games like that don't have
I'm against licensing cars from LFS though
#5 - Vain
Isn't that possible in "Mafia"?

#6 - CSU1
Tell me what makes a good Taxi sim>
Lol I was gonna mention Quatantine but I thought that was too old-school for you all. I guess I should have known better

Im looking for a "realistic" game where I could drive a taxi cab around an area (city?), pick up passengers and deliver them places. I dont want an arcade where you get like 23 seconds to deliver 5 passangers and stuff like that.

Im gathering that im looking for a program that does not exist.
#9 - CSU1
Quote from silver bullet :Lol I was gonna mention Quatantine but I thought that was too old-school for you all. I guess I should have known better

Im looking for a "realistic" game where I could drive a taxi cab around an area (city?), pick up passengers and deliver them places. I dont want an arcade where you get like 23 seconds to deliver 5 passangers and stuff like that.

Im gathering that im looking for a program that does not exist.

not that it doesn't exist but what could be better than GTA
#10 - Jakg
something dare i say... realistic?

@ Silver, sounds like it doesn't exist although it couldn't hurt looking for a taxi for Racer (open source racing game full of mods, free to, has a section on RSC), although i don't think it will be your thing (even if there is a care, the physics aren't amazing, and you wan't a "City" which Racer just doesn't do
#11 - CSU1
Quote from Jakg :something dare i say... realistic?

@ Silver, sounds like it doesn't exist although it couldn't hurt looking for a taxi for Racer (open source racing game full of mods, free to, has a section on RSC), although i don't think it will be your thing (even if there is a care, the physics aren't amazing, and you wan't a "City" which Racer just doesn't do

WHAA! eh! If it's a "Taxi" sim it aint gonna involve terrilbly complex
physics is it ...coz well it a Taxi sim lol...
Taxi driver: Where to today sir?
Passenger: Main st.
drive round at 60kph ... wheres the physics there?
Quote from Vain :Isn't that possible in "Mafia"?

Yes, it is. Although I prefered running people over, not giving them a ride.
I think it was possible in Midtown Madness 1. Not 100% sure though.
How old are you? Become an actual taxi driver if your old enough , when i was a child i use to pretend i was a taxi driver when on games like Driver and Midtown Madness etc
Did anyone ever play Quarantine II: Road Warrior? The original was the b*ll*cks though.
one word.. MAFIA!
#17 - CSU1
Three letters GTA.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
lol, i remember having a conversation with a taxi driver like this. He played alot of different kinds of games, ps2 mostly, and he said it would be cool to have a realistic taxi, maybe thats you? haha..anyway could be fun. Id really love to see a Microsoft Car Simulatar, where you just drive around a city obeying city laws etc lmao, would be boring but if it was real enough it would be cool XD
Quote from Vendetta :Id really love to see a Microsoft Car Simulatar, where you just drive around a city obeying city laws etc lmao, would be boring but if it was real enough it would be cool XD

Kind of like a Midtown Madness with LFS graphics and gameplay? That would be fun
Quote from Michael Denham :Kind of like a Midtown Madness with LFS graphics and gameplay? That would be fun

i loved midtown madness! I think i had version number 2 or something for my computer, it was the one in san fransisco i believe (though their might have been more levels) i remember getting major air on the hills, was really fun
#21 - Jakg
Quote from Vendetta :i loved midtown madness! I think i had version number 2 or something for my computer, it was the one in san fransisco i believe (though their might have been more levels) i remember getting major air on the hills, was really fun

that was number 2 (1 was in Chicago - i should know, i still have both, damn good fun, too!)
Quote from Jakg :that was number 2 (1 was in Chicago - i should know, i still have both, damn good fun, too!)

unfortunately my disc got scratched to death
ill have to get Midtown Madness 2 again. loved that game
GTA: just because you can
Quote from Vendetta :unfortunately my disc got scratched to death

I think I have two copies of Midtown Madness 2, I'm pretty sure I do, you want one?

Taxi simulator
(60 posts, started )