The online racing simulator
Ferrari, because I know it better

Ford Escort convertible, or newer ford fiesta?

(I'm getting one of these, just can't really decide, the fiesta is already in the garage here, the escort might be in a few weeks, but then the fiesta will be gone.)

low-res or high-res?
high-res of course

ID or Valve? (makers of doom and half-life respectively)
Hard choice. Both companies are good innovators. Have to say Valve, their games are more interesting, funnier, and surprising. There's great tech in Doom3, but no game worth mentioning.
light up the thread was good fun to watch this thread.

so i start with a question.

Hakkinen or Makkinen?

Soup or Salad?

I ask you or you ask me
you ask me

One or Two

Bender or Zoidberg?
Zoidberg, becuase his personality is more like mine, cept for the begging part.

GT4 or Enthusia?
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Zoidberg, becuase his personality is more like mine, cept for the begging part.

GT4 or Enthusia?

GT4, Enthusia can't simulate trains like GT-series do.
Finland or Sweden?
sweden 'cause sveedish wimin are teh hawt.

knowledge or bliss?
Knowledge. Blissfully ignorant people shit me to tears. Read a book goddamit!

Hammock or banana lounge?

CAPS LOCK or lowercase
Caps Lock :b

Rain - Snow?
SNOW, rain makes me feel sad.:P

sad but true or master of puppets?
Master of puppets:
Smack my bitch up or two become one?
First the latter, then the first. Or IF I had to choose in behalf of you, just the latter.

GTR2 or GTL?
GTR2, it has a physics mod in the current ASS

cute little kitten or cute little puppy?
(as for myself, we currently have a fluffy kitten :lovies3d

edit: Crappy mobile-phone-camera-picture
Attached images
i hate cats. they should be shot. so cute little puppy.

whistleing or harmonica?

Blonde or brunette?
Quote from hrtburnout :Kitten

Blonde or brunette?

Blondes just for the good looks and good sex

Roadrunner or Tweety
Roadrunner, meep meep!

Belgium or Ukraine?

AMD or Intel? (<--i've not read the last 27 pages, sorry:schwitz
Quote from GFresh :Ukraine

AMD or Intel? (<--i've not read the last 27 pages, sorry:schwitz


all naturel or plastic woman

I ask you, you ask me,
(1745 posts, started )