The online racing simulator
(59 posts, started )
Quote from MadCatX :To sum up, I am sure that this is something in Windoze causing this problem. Good news is that it is not only LFS what runs slow. I am afraid that only working solution will be reformatting harddrive and a fresh WinXP installation(I reccommend you to get SP2-preinstalled version).

This is something that works with 95% effectivness Otherwise follow the instructions below

Ok, thanks for the help (everyone) . In a few weeks I will reformat my harddrive and install Windows XP, 'cause I'm quite busy right now. I will report in a few weeks .
The only thing that i have noticed in the test patch's that kill my fps is full screen vertical sync,i normally get around 130 in hl but when i turn that option on it drops to around 40/50 so if you have that option turned on turn it off asap
Attached images
Quote from rc10racer :The only thing that i have noticed in the test patch's that kill my fps is full screen vertical sync,i normally get around 130 in hl but when i turn that option on it drops to around 40/50 so if you have that option turned on turn it off asap

I noticed same with U22. Vertical sync enabled from GFX drivers and it dropped my FPS pretty badly. After disabling vertical sync, hitting 100 FPS limit all the time again. This was in multiplayer.
Quote from rc10racer :The only thing that i have noticed in the test patch's that kill my fps is full screen vertical sync,i normally get around 130 in hl but when i turn that option on it drops to around 40/50 so if you have that option turned on turn it off asap

Just to clarify, V-Sync doesnt "kill" your FPS in any way. It just limits it to Refresh Rate of your screen.
Quote from MadCatX :Just to clarify, V-Sync doesnt "kill" your FPS in any way. It just limits it to Refresh Rate of your screen.

In my case it killed FPS. I know how V-Sync works, and I know that if your computer can't keep up for example 60 FPS, it'll drop it to half and if computer can't still manage it, V-Sync will drop it another half, etc.
I don't know why, but when I'd V-Sync enabled LFS started running badly even though my computer is pretty modern and I usually have good frame rate even in race starts.
Help, please
Hello! I have a problem with my FPS level.
I cant reach more than 30 FPS in the game. When a race starts, my FPS goes down to 6 and I usually have big crashes because of it. Its like teleportating yourself from the start line to 20 meters forward.
In graphics options everything is pulled down to minimum.
Now I use U20, but in Patch U it was the same, so it's not because of the patch

My configuration :
ATI Radeon 9600 XT (with Omega driver)
2.4 GHz Intel Celeron

According to LFS benchmark, LFS should run perfectly with this config.
If you know what to do, please help me, because I cant enjoy this great game in these circumstances. What to buy, RAM, processor, or whatever.


with patch U my fps was usually 60-70
now its 40
No, that's not because of the patch
yes it is
Quote from RudolfR :yes it is

I tried with U patch and also with U28 Test patch. There was no difference in FPS
i have the same problem..and i'm gonna to be mad..i want try thiis new patch where i can find it?? (u28)..thx

However it's a bug of lfs..we are too much wth this same problem
Quote from arf_it :where i can find it?? (u28)

Hmm, I wonder where those test patches could be

Maybe in the Test Patch subforum? Who knows.
thx..i found it..but it doesn't solve my fps problem..
i hope anyone can solve this bug...
So, who can help me?
do a spyware / malware scan, also a virusscan.
check how much processes u have running in ur taskmanager, shouldnt be much more than 30, also check which processes do eat alot cpu (as lfs hits the cpu hard)and close them.
after uve done this stuff, tell me whats up
I downloaded a malware/spyware remover, called Malware Scanner, and it found 244 threads or softwares running on my computer. The only problem is that this program searched these threads, but it's only a trial version, so I have to pay for it to kill these threads.
It's really strange. I was looking for a lot of free malware/spyware remover but I couldn't find any FREE VERSION.

So if you know one, please give me it's name or a link.
I wanna kill these threads ASAP
google this: Ad-Aware SE Personal
its completely free and good.
hmm dunno....u could also get spybot ... no idea about anything else atm
The long way about it, google search for the malware. You can usually find manual directions to killing them.
remove the goddamn "omega" drivers.

learn about gfx drivers' settings

learn about what your pc is running.

run msconfig.exe , check the startup.
experiment with ingame settings

do google searches for what you see.

for example, you see: "mip bias" so go search "mip bias" maybe "mip graphics"

do not expect an answer from us

it is not a simple matter, it has to do with almost anything in your pc.
lol why goddamn omega drivers.
i use them too and its just fine.
I made Virus + spyware + malware search. I had a lot, and I killed them all.
After it I reboot my computer and started LFS. Nothing changed in FPS.
Waiting for more tips. Thanks
like i said, open up ur task manager and check how much processes are running. "normal" is about 15-30 processes.
and look which have (alot) cpu usage, and kill them.

(59 posts, started )