The online racing simulator
The G25 doesn't use a real H gate. The shifter is constructed by two vertical plates with cutout zones for gears 1 and 2 (left plate) and 5, 6 and reverse (right plate). The shifter handle sticks in the left or right position by something that can be best described as the head of a screw mounted on both sides of the handle which hooks in the cutout zones. In 3th and 4th gear the handle doesn't hook anywhere. That's why you can move the stick quite a bit to the left and right in 3th or 4th gear but not in the other gears.

While this simple mechanism works for simulating an H-shifter, it has several issues that make it feel quite different from a real shifter with H gate. The most annoying bit is that it's rather easy to get stuck between gears because the cutouts aren't nicely rounded whereas a real H gate has smooth rounded forks - nearly impossible to get stuck on such a fork's tooth.

I wish I made some pictures while I had mine open. One picture says more than a thousand words.

I'm not saying the shifter is bad or not worth the money ("BlakjeKaas" is probably referring to my Dutch review of the G25). I'm using it myself quite intensive, but it's definitely not on par with the rest of the wheel and has a cheapish overall feel. It's a nice add on, but I wouldn't advice anyone to buy the G25 just only to have an H-shifter because it will be a disappointment compared to the rest of the bundle. You should consider the shifter as an extra which can be great fun.
wow, I am getting really irritated, and its seeminly ironic too becuase the european guys were bitching and moaning how they would get their G25's last, yet they have them, whereas I haven't recieved mine yet!
Quote from dawesdust_12 :wow, I am getting really irritated, and its seeminly ironic too becuase the european guys were bitching and moaning how they would get their G25's last, yet they have them, whereas I haven't recieved mine yet!

I cancelled my order from NCIX and bought it locally for only $40 more. They had 8 in stock and another 50+ around the Southwestern Ontario region stores.
I know, cancelled from NCIX too, and ordered from FrontierPC, but still just as slow.
Called Logi just now, they'll do a RMA on my wheel. If there's one thing Logitech knows how to do right, it's customer service. \o/

They didn't say any estimates of when the new wheel arrives, I hope it's as quick as DFP RMA was (1 week).
Quote from buedi :Wohoooo!!! :woohoo:
My wheel is on it´s way. I can´t say how happy I am. When I get home tomorrow it should be there (I hope so).
Yesterday the Online Site of my Shop said 15th of December... and a few Minutes ago I found a E-Mail in my Inbox with a Tracking Number :woohoo:

I really hope that I have better luck with it than with my DFP (where I had to exchange it twice because of the Pedals). Ordered it in September and now it comes true... yeah :-)

I ordered on Oct. 30th at the same shop I think. Notebooksbilliger? Didn't get a mail yet, though
They got mine yesterday... I am just wondering how long for processing
Quote from tpa :I ordered on Oct. 30th at the same shop I think. Notebooksbilliger? Didn't get a mail yet, though

Nope, I got mine from It arrived today even when the Status of the DHL Tracking number was that my package is somewhere else in Germany (since last night 02:00h). But when I got home from work it was here!
I drive so bad now, it´s a shame. Tried LFS and GPL with Clutch and Shifter and whatever i do with my feet, it´s not what I want to do

But I tried it in RBR too (used the Shifter in sequential Mode) and drove a new Stage Record right out of the Box. The Wheel feels much better than the DFP. But I will have adapt to the Pedals because I was pressing them very gently on the DFP. But now I really have to push them down with power. I must get rid of the thoughts that I brake something LOL

I hope you get your´s soon and the wait is over!
Quote from tpa :I ordered on Oct. 30th at the same shop I think. Notebooksbilliger? Didn't get a mail yet, though

Hi. I ordered mine at - on oct. 17th. I got mine on tuesday. So i don't want to say the truth, but i think you will have a "little" more to wait.

Date Time Location Tracking Event

17-11-2006 14:40 Delivery Agent - NORWAY Parcel in warehouse
16-11-2006 15:57 Delivery Agent - NORWAY Parcel in warehouse
15-11-2006 15:42 Delivery Agent - NORWAY Parcel in warehouse
14-11-2006 15:30 Delivery Agent - NORWAY Parcel in warehouse
13-11-2006 15:33 Delivery Agent - NORWAY Parcel in warehouse
10-11-2006 11:52 Delivery Agent - NORWAY Parcel in warehouse
09-11-2006 03:23 Delivery Agent - NORWAY Arrived at destination country
07-11-2006 23:06 Delivery Agent - DENMARK Left origin country
07-11-2006 19:38 Delivery Agent - GERMANY 2ND DELIVERY TRANSIT
06-11-2006 21:10 International Hub Arrived at outward Office of Exchange

is this normal? it's been in 6 different warehouses? i dont like it..=/

Dabs has been put back another 2 weeks, been on the phone to them and got some information out of them, everyone who has ordered with Dabs, wouldn't expect your wheels for another 4 weeks!!!!

I cancelled my order with them and ordered from another website and have been gaurenteed delivery by Tuesday! Dabs are appauling, and I will not be using them again! I recommend everyone with an order with dabs look elsewehere!
This is a shame I have always had good service with dabs on loads of stuff from there!!

I can only assume that its logitech are just not sending them any wheels!

and now im stuck with where to order from as dabs was by far the cheapest! any ideas??
Got mine from Overclockers, £187 inc vat and delivery (Lot more expensive, but quick delivery!) (Plus I managed to wangle a deal, VAT off, so it was £159)
how did ya get vat off??

i can get it without vat but it needs to be sent home to jersey.... however im at uni in london so that would mean my dad sending it back to me (which he WILL pay for ) which means i wont get it until thursday... which is worth the saving... but if i can get it sent straight here without vat that would be a lot better! ?????
Via work, nothing more cunning than that!
fair enough... well tried to order mine from overclockers but something went wrong after i'd confirmed everything and so im not sure if my order is actually placed or notl... have to sort it tomorrow now but fingers crossed i can still get it by next weekend
Mine is due next week.

I'm so excited I could just pooh.

By 'could' I of course mean 'did'.
I'm getting one for christmas and donating my old DFP to my dad. I think I'll order from, they seem to be a good company and their price isn't too bad.
Well, My replacement is ariving wednesday. I sent it out on monday. I am guessing Replacement takes about 8 business days on average.
My wheel arrives tomorrow, but I now have a suspected broken wrist, so I can't use it for a while, how flaming annoying is that!
Well at least, you have it, you can see it, touch it, smell it...but i have to send mine back today because its broken (steering axis doesnt work) after 10 minutes in action So that means, it will take 2 days to the store and then another week at least to logitech (where ever that is) (in case they repair it and send it back) or maybe i get a new one which will also takes at least 4 days + till i can finally enjoy this great piece of hardware.

Good luck that yours will come tomorrow.
Still loving mine!! LOVING IT probably doesn't help those who are waiting for theirs (or those with broken wrists! ouch, broke both mine... not fun)