The online racing simulator
Does racing in different weather conditions affect tires?
Hi, i was wondering, if racing a GTR car, enduro, in different weather conditions on the same track, if the tires would be affected, temp wise, or if that hasnt already been programed? Ive tried WE1 with CLEAR and Cloudy Sunset, and it seems like tires act differently, i mean they dont heat up as much, in the same race pace.

Thanks, looking forward to ur reply's.

P.S. PLs dont flame, if this post has already been made tks :P
What about the wind? Does the tires cool down faster in windy conditions?
and the point of adding diff weather conditions is....?
looks different, and winds adds the thrill of different brake points
Quote from Razvan :and the point of adding diff weather conditions is....?

Well, it changes the asthetics of the track, the lower light levels DO make quite a difference when you are racing, ask the rest of the ESL racers who had a sudden change in weather which threw many of us .

The wind makes a BIG difference to racing too, having a head wind on the back straight of a track makes quite a difference to laptimes.

Hopefully we will have a fully functioning weather system in S3
Yes, the different light levels really do make a surprising difference to the way you drive. You can't see some of the landmarks that you (or maybe just me) normally use for braking or positioning.

One of the nastiest changes is the deadly chicane in South City. It's dark enough in daylight, but switch to evening (or is it just cloudy) and suddenly you have completely different shadows to deal with. It's crazy!
Rule number one in racing: Never use shadows as braking markers
#10 - Davo
Hopefully by S3 we'll have fully working time so not only would the shadows change by time of day, but you also get night time racing
Yes it does make a difference.

On a wet track you have Wet tyres on. Wet tyres last very long, usually not the whole Race but atleast a lot longer then Slick tyres on a dry track. You leave alot less rubber on the track when driving in the Wet.

Now as the Rain stops and the track starts to dry up, your Wet tyres will start to wear off pretty fast.
Wet tyres do have more profile so they wear out more on a dry surface.

And generally speaking, on a Wet track, the tires dont heat up that much than usually on a dry track.
Quote from George Kuyumji :Yes it does make a difference.

On a wet track you have Wet tyres on. Wet tyres last very long, usually not the whole Race but atleast a lot longer then Slick tyres on a dry track. You leave alot less rubber on the track when driving in the Wet.

Now as the Rain stops and the track starts to dry up, your Wet tyres will start to wear off pretty fast.
Wet tyres do have more profile so they wear out more on a dry surface.

And generally speaking, on a Wet track, the tires dont heat up that much than usually on a dry track.

I think the original poster was asking if it makes a difference IN LFS
Hopefully it will some day in the future
wind does too affect your tires; it cools them down

but its bloody hell if you run the BF1 on some track with full wind; especially on an aston track; a group of guys and i gave up racing the wind got so bad it was blowing all of us off the track lol so.. we quit

but it most certainly does cool your tires down quite rapidly in an open wheeler, not sure about closed wheels
What about rain, does rain efect tyres

So when we'll have rain in LFS
I'd never use a shadow as a marker, but if the shadow is suddenly blocking your view of whatever marker (building/signpost/whatever) then you can ahve real trouble.

@N I K I
"When it's done" Because the programmers are not tied into any publishing contract they have a very flexible timeline, meaning stuff gets done as and when they (a) get round to it, (b) have time to do it, (c) work out how to do it.

Personally I can't wait to see the weather effects added. Imagine running South City in snow and ice, or in the rain with poor visibility! It would be so dangerous and so much fun!
I cant wait till we have 'All day driving' especially for the MOE, and the 25h LAN leagues, which have an all day race(24 hours), it should be interesting, and also different track temperatures, based on the time of day. Adding to this: a nice particle system using pixel shader 2.0, to create nice headlights, and tail lights(brakes, turn signals etc) but thats deviating from the subject.
Its good to know that so far, it doesnt affect the physics of the car, meaning the next MOE race shouldnt be a prob.
I must say I tried GTR 2 and they have all. Track temperature, wether conditions, day/night, car lights.... But they don't have one thing! They don't have windshield wiper. I would love to see this in LFS, rain is on and you must on your windhield wipers or you cant see a thing

I hope this will come in to LFS soon ( rain, track temperature, wether conditions, night, lights, windshield... ) and make lfs more realistic then its now ( can you belive that LFS can be more realistic ) Man they you realy must think about tactics ( that's gooooooood )

But then what about hot lapp. In hot lapping are perfect conditions only, always
You what what the best feature about the new WTCC "Race" game is? It has a functional windscreen wiper!

It does annoy me a bit that you never see public servers racing in the evening - many people moan about having no night racing, but no-one does evening racing which is fun for the reasons mentioned above.
I just cant wait to be able to drive LFS on real world tracks. It would truely make me realize how crappy the other sims are. One day, cant wait.
Quote from Razvan :I cant wait till we have 'All day driving' especially for the MOE, and the 25h LAN leagues, which have an all day race(24 hours), it should be interesting, and also different track temperatures, based on the time of day. Adding to this: a nice particle system using pixel shader 2.0, to create nice headlights, and tail lights(brakes, turn signals etc) but thats deviating from the subject.
Its good to know that so far, it doesnt affect the physics of the car, meaning the next MOE race shouldnt be a prob.

Am i the only one who thinks using Shaders on Stuff like lights is a waste of resources. To me those features don't add anything to gameplay(Eye Candy). Personally for wet conditions i hope the developers step it up and do something that hasnt been done before.

Eg. Procedural Rain. Be nice to start Driving on a Dry track, have it start raining(maybe a slight drizzile or Full downpour). or have the track Dry as a race goes on. With the ability to have different parts of the track Dry at different rates, Or have maybe water collect in certain areas creating puddles.

That would deffinetly be fun and would really sepperate the good drivers from the people who just Drive same Combo over and over again.

Lfs def has the potencial to do this, but it prob turn into same wet track seen 100s times before.
Most of the time, pixel shaders are totally over the score. Games have been managing without it for years and although my card supports 2.0, too much of it really kills my frame rate. Shaders would definitely have to be an optional extra, since frame rate is god in most online games.
And of course that would require LFS to be upgraded to Dx9.

But dynamic weather and time of day racing would be great. Sorry, will be great when it's done
Quote from lalathegreat :Am i the only one who thinks using Shaders on Stuff like lights is a waste of resources. To me those features don't add anything to gameplay(Eye Candy). Personally for wet conditions i hope the developers step it up and do something that hasnt been done before.

Nope, I'm with you. It's the reason I can't stand any other current racing game as I get 50 FPS in LFS (100 if I really wanted to) on my inexpensive onboard gfx and only 5-10 no matter how I configure in other sims. And, IMO Live for Speed looks much better than all the other ones. It just looks more natural. All that eye-candy just doesn't look natural and realistic to me. LFS looks more natural and realistic making me focus on the racing rather than looking around at all the graphics. One day I had just noticed the background at Westhill. It looks beautiful. Started looking around at other tracks and was amazed at how I never noticed the background visuals before. I never noticed before because I was focused on what was important, the racing.
I have to agree with mrodgers in that one - I like the LFS graphics as they are. Okay, it's not all that high res, but the cars look like cars and the tracks look like tracks.

The more you increase poly count, the more you limit your market.

One thing I do think it could use (on top of the dynamic stuff in my previous post) is lens flare. I can't get enough of it

Man this thread got way off topic. Err...
Oh, tires. Cold, brake hard, skid some, heat up. Wind makes cold. Oh. Crash.

There we go, back on topic
You all understood me wrong, when i talked about shaders, i dont necesarily want eye candy in this game, which lowers fps considerably, but at least use some sahders to create dynamic head lights, tail lights. Racing in LFS and say for example a faster car uses its flashes to signal to u, that you should move, well unless that car is very close, its hard to see in the mirrors, even with the highes LOD for mirrors. Im just sayin it would be nice, to(next to the texture change, add some flash effects to make the lights more visible). And on another note, wqhen we do go into night time racing, it would be nice to create some nice head lights, (that actually light up the road). Thats all that i want from LFS in DX9, nothing more. And yes your right, this did get way off topic. :P