Here is my guide for guys shopping for their partner.
You must go shopping with her
at least once before Xmas.
Shopping Tip: Ignore the things you want - you know them already, and she does too. She's probably known since about July. Walk close to her and watch what she's looking at when she stops in shops.
Under no circumstances buy clothes. You are a man and know nothing. Accept this.
Buy a size too big and you get: "How fat do you think I am?" and sleep on the sofa. Forever.
Buy a size too small and you get either: "You think I need to lose weight!" or (even worse) she just thinks she's too fat and refuses to eat. Much safer just to ignore the clothes stores. And shoes. Stay away from anything marked "edible". Point her at something shiny. Speaking of which...
If she doesn't wear gold, don't buy her gold. Likewise with silver. That's a guaranteed fight starter ("You pay no attention to me!").
Look at her earrings (subtle, guys). Are they studs or hanging? Don't get one if she doesn't wear it. If she wears both you're fine, as long as it's not totally out of her style.
Necklaces. If she isn't religious, don't get her a crucifix, a pentacle, a star of David or any other religious symbol. If she wears choker style necklaces, go with that style. If she wears elaborate loose ones, that's your thing.
Bracelets. See necklaces. Under no circumstances buy her a pair of handcuffs as her main present. Save this for a secondary present.
not buy her a watch - this must be picked by her so that it matches every single outfit she owns. You do not have the experience required to co-ordinate this massive operation.
Rings are a grey area. If you happen to know the size of her fingers, this is fine. If not, it's normally safer to avoid rings altogether. Also, you may not want to risk the whole "ring/commitment" thing.
You might think this is a safe bet, but you are (as usual) wrong.
If she's on a diet and you get chocolates, you will get sulked at. Or she'll eat them then blame you when she puts on 3 ounces. If you get candy she doesn't like and you do (coincidence or not) you will be accused of being selfish.
Flowers are a strange one. They have good initial impact, but since they die so quickly you will be expected to replace them regularly. If you have been together for a while, buying flowers will make her think you have done something wrong.
With both of these - watch for allergies. Nuts and pollen. You do not want to be responsible for sending her to hospital. You may both laugh about it some time in the future, but it will ruin her day and that will be remembered for all time.
You might be happy with the newest car chase, explosions, nekkid chick film, but that's not a great idea. Her favourite book/movie is
acceptible but will not get you many points as a main gift. It's not very personal. This changes if you can get it signed by the author/director/actor. These are best reserved as secondary gifts.
Note: If you buy her favourite film or album you will have to watch it/listen to it with her. This is not negotiable. If you hate it, don't be the one to buy it. You can escape if someone else buys it for her, but if you do you will get "Why did you get me it if you hate it so much?".
Follow these simple instructions and you will (probably) avoid a fatal argument.
Additional Advice: If you still can't think of anything to get her, take her somewhere a couple of days before and get her to actually choose something.
If it's early in the relationship, you can get away with "I'm not sure what you like yet so didn't want to risk getting something you didn't like."
You must follow up the non-surprise present with dinner. This will soften the blow. The present surprise is gone, but you replace that with a surprise meal and a gift she will actually like. Sorted.
Hope this helps some of you survive the festive period