As much as I hate total design by community, I feel that lib_lfsw needs it otherwise I may never get around to actually finishing it.
For those who dont know what it is/was; A library of C functions (win32 atm) which could be compiled directly into, or loaded as a dll to interface with LFSWorld. I originally started work on it a few months before Christmas, and it kind of stalled as I got full time employment, etc.
Now Victor's given us a reasonably stable S2 interface to get statistics and what-not, what I want to do is what would you *like* to beable to do more easily? Lets assume that LFSWorld changes - rather than change all your code, just update lib_lfsw!
As it stands lib_lfsw is nothing more than collection of functions:
Lets be honest, its not as amazing as I wanted it to be, which is why I'm here.
Would you prefer it to be a pure class? If so, does anyone have experience with C++ objects being used in VB or delphi (I dont even know if its possible)? Would you like to contribute - I could CVS/SVN it easily? Do you just want me to get on with it?
Edit: I've just realised - its a framework - arrgghghghh
lol, sorry I'm just fed up with frameworks atm.
For those who dont know what it is/was; A library of C functions (win32 atm) which could be compiled directly into, or loaded as a dll to interface with LFSWorld. I originally started work on it a few months before Christmas, and it kind of stalled as I got full time employment, etc.
Now Victor's given us a reasonably stable S2 interface to get statistics and what-not, what I want to do is what would you *like* to beable to do more easily? Lets assume that LFSWorld changes - rather than change all your code, just update lib_lfsw!
As it stands lib_lfsw is nothing more than collection of functions:
/* Generic Functions */
bool lfsw_version(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize);
bool lfsw_author(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize);
bool lfsw_stripcolours(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize, char *input);
bool lfsw_code2car(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize, unsigned char code);
bool lfsw_car2code(unsigned char buffer, char *car);
bool lfsw_code2track(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize, char *code);
bool lfsw_track2code(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize, char *track);
float lfsw_tracklength(char *code);
float lfsw_miles2km(float miles);
float lfsw_km2miles(float km);
/* Racer Specific functions */
unsigned int lfsw_getnumracers(lfsw_server_type type);
bool lfsw_findracer(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize, lfsw_server_type type, char *alias);
bool lfsw_getpb(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize, char *racer, char *track, const char carcode);
bool lfsw_getwr(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize, char *track, const char carcode);
float lfsw_getmilesdriven(char *racer);
unsigned int lfsw_getlapsdriven(char *racer);
/* Host Specific functions */
unsigned int lfsw_getnumhosts(lfsw_server_type type);
bool lfsw_gethostinfo(lfsw_server_info &buffer, lfsw_server_type type, char *servername);
bool lfsw_probehost(char *host, unsigned int port = 63392);
/* Cache functions */
bool lfsw_refreshcache(char *filename, unsigned int timeout = 0);
bool lfsw_cachedirsexist();
bool lfsw_mkhostscache(lfsw_server_type type);
bool lfsw_mkracerscache(lfsw_server_type type);
bool lfsw_mkpbcache(char *racer);
bool lfsw_mkwrcache();
bool lfsw_dl2file(char *httpstring, char *filename);
/* Helper Functions */
bool lfsw_urlencode(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize, char *input);
bool lfsw_dec2hex(char *buffer, unsigned int buffersize, unsigned int dec);
Lets be honest, its not as amazing as I wanted it to be, which is why I'm here.
Would you prefer it to be a pure class? If so, does anyone have experience with C++ objects being used in VB or delphi (I dont even know if its possible)? Would you like to contribute - I could CVS/SVN it easily? Do you just want me to get on with it?
Edit: I've just realised - its a framework - arrgghghghh