Ok, sorry to take over your thread but I gotta ask what I pressed to.
In the LXCC league race I was changing the rear anti roll and going into the long right hander after the banked oval in KY Gp rev (LX6) I touched the throttle a tiny bit as usual but got full throttle, then I touched the brake and got full brake and went sliding into the wall.
So it wasn't to bad, the pedals had just recalibrated, only had to press them down full to get them back to normal but i've never had this happen to me before so just wondering if it was a random 1 off thing (And coinsidental I was messing with settings just before) Or if there is a button to do this.
(If you don't know what I mean, it's when you start up LFS for the 1st time since a reboot and have the press both pedals down full when you join a game to calibrate them.)