The online racing simulator
I got mine within a few minutes.

And yes, I have tried to map out other games in the past (as well as creating some of my own) and I know what needs to go into a project like that.
Most corners would require 2 shots (one each direction) and anywhere there's a split would require at least one more. So already we're up to about 300 screens and counting. I don't much envy that job

Nonetheless, it is a good idea and a nicely laid out site. Hopefully we'll see some people using these new corner names instead of just T2 and so on.
Tweak, Gunn (and presumeable others)

Just what I thought. He didn't reactive that service. Sorry about this, hmm ... There's not much I can do from where I am currently at. We'll have to wait for lur to wake up before we can sort this out.

Quote from felplacerad :We'll have to wait for lur to wake up before we can sort this out.

You keep saying that. Is that guy perpetually in bed or something?

As FEL has foretold, i forgot to turn a few quite important things back on last night after the LXCC race. Things should be working now, pm's should have been sent out to those who registered during the day.
#82 - DC2
really nice... good work
#83 - nilo
Awwwwwesome! :)
Hey! This is really great work! You definately know how to do things the right way.

My feature request: "My Suggestions" which shows an overview of all your suggested names with their position in the ranking.
I manually put together this overview of the current stats:

Damn, a few of those names are naff. If the site would actually let me in I might vote/suggest some more...
iirc filur asked you to be a little more specific on the error (?) you were getting?
#88 - nilo
"There's not a single suggestion you haven't already voted for!"

Folks, come up with a few more suggestions, please.
Quote from Bob Smith :I'm still getting that error Josh reported.

That error was caused by the ampersand character, it only occured when the site tried to ask for your opinion on a suggestion containing an ampersand. It's also been fixed. All things considered, it would be very strange if this particular error is the one you're getting. The generic "not well-formed" error shouldn't be the case either since the pages pass validation and seem to work fine for most people.

In short: i don't know what to look for (or where), please be more specific (browser / page / exact error).
You should ask one of the devs if you can get these are corners onto the LFS links on LFS World
Quote from felplacerad :I manually put together this overview of the current stats:

I still think you've got to work out your logic for describing turn sections. Not the naming, but what a 'turn' is.

Specifically what types of turns.
  • An Esses or "S-Turn" is classified as ONE Turn. (eg Blackwood Esses are not two corners IF you want to name it the Esses). There are of course sections which could be named as two corners like on Blackwood, but if you are going to call a section "Esses" or something that relates to a complex of turns, you need to give that entire section only one name in my opinion.
  • A small bend between two corners it NOT a corner in most cases (like the one someone named "not a corner" on KY GP
  • People are naming some corners based on a number like "T1". Again, remember that we have REVERSED configs!! Naming a corner Turn1 would just not work properly.
  • There are certain sections that you've put as 2-3 turns, when infact they should really only dotted as 1 turn such as a chicane or a long connecting sweeper.
  • You also need to make the AS North hairpin an official turn. That turn is unique, and deserves a name not connected with the Michelin tire bridge :doh:
And finally, I think you guys should be doing one track at a time for the naming. There are so many names being thrown out everywhere, it would be nice if we took our time with one track environment at a time and could discuss corners names and give comments. It seems there are some crafty names given out there, but people are voting for stupid names like "Carousel" on Westhill when they don't even know what type of turn classifies as being called carousel (a really long bend that turns well over 180 degrees). Save those names for the corners on other tracks that 'truly' need to be given those names.

Just should do one track environment at a time, and we need some kind of comments thing... there needs to be some explanation and comments to be given for suggestions AND possibly have a user submit multiple name ideas. Because there have been a few corners I thought of a better name AFTER the fact I submitted something already
#92 - Gunn
Quote from Tweaker :I still think you've got to work out your logic for describing turn sections. Not the naming, but what a 'turn' is.

Specifically what types of turns.
  • An Esses or "S-Turn" is classified as ONE Turn. (eg Blackwood Esses are not two corners IF you want to name it the Esses). There are of course sections which could be named as two corners like on Blackwood, but if you are going to call a section "Esses" or something that relates to a complex of turns, you need to give that entire section only one name in my opinion.
  • A small bend between two corners it NOT a corner in most cases (like the one someone named "not a corner" on KY GP
  • People are naming some corners based on a number like "T1". Again, remember that we have REVERSED configs!! Naming a corner Turn1 would just not work properly.
  • There are certain sections that you've put as 2-3 turns, when infact they should really only dotted as 1 turn such as a chicane or a long connecting sweeper.
  • You also need to make the AS North hairpin an official turn. That turn is unique, and deserves a name not connected with the Michelin tire bridge :doh:

Agreed. And to add to that, it is not uncommon for a whole section to be named rather than each corner, even a straight section for that matter. The tracks don't need to be divided up into each and every change of direction. But if voters keep that in mind when choosing or making up names it is still a useful tool. If you think two corners or an area should be named as a section perhaps put your suggested name for both corners etc. Of course if a name like "T1" ends up getting the most votes then the whole process will come into question, in my opinion.
Yes, speaking of straights. The straightaways should have names too. That is not uncommon of MANY tracks around the world.

Names of straights like the BL backgstraight and other really long ones that deserve some notability, we definitely need to name those too :up:

I am going to come up with a BIG list of corner names off the top of my head, as well as some ones that are taken from real-life tracks. And maybe show what a few corner "types" are with some illustrations. Such a guide should be useful on this site, so it can help (as well as teach) people to judge and name the corners properly.
#94 - SamH
I'd like to be able to name straights as well as corners, too. I also agree that it'd be nice to be able to name areas of a track.

I've spent quite a bit of time voting for/against names of corners, and proposed a good few too. At the end of the day, I have to admit that what matters more to me than what the name of a corner/straight is, is how memorable it is. I ask myself, now, will I RECALL a name, not do I LIKE a name.

I think this project is definitely one of, if not the best community initiatives we've seen in a good long while and what you guys have done, and are doing, and the way you've set about it, I think is absolutely brilliant.
Luckily the hardest part of adding straights is figuring out a new title for the site. FEL handles all the maps and he'll be travelling to some distant lands for some time, upon his return we'll probably add a few straights.
  • For naming sections, suggest the same name for multiple corners. As for some corners "not being a corner", maybe it can become part of a section/area instead.
  • Config-specific corners - probably not. Most corners probably won't need it, the few that do could be discussed separately.
  • Comments at the site - no. I'm trying to keep the amount of database queries as low as possible, i don't want arguments on every page, and the forum provides alot better messaging features then any comments system i could add.
  • One track at a time - no, it'll take too long and the site needs alot of content to keep people interested while the project is running. Discussing one track at a time could work when it's time to wrap things up.
  • Multiple suggestions - no. I'll be adding a delete button letting you delete your own suggestion if it has received zero positive votes or has a low enough score.
If "T1" ends up winning a poll, i guess the corner could be named "Turn one / Turn last" or something similar.
I think you'll find that many quite famous tracks use simple terms like "First Corner" "Last Corner" "Straight" "Chicane". I think they should be default names that gain favour over anything with a low score.

As far as reverse tracks go... well that's tricky because computer game culture practically invented the concept - as far as I'm aware real world tracks don't run reverse..? I could be wrong.

I think names should be based off the forward variant, and when racing rev configs you should just accept the fact that you're racing against the grain... T1 will be come last.
#97 - Gunn
Quote from filur :If "T1" ends up winning a poll, i guess the corner could be named "Turn one / Turn last" or something similar.

That would also be a disaster. No way am I ever going to name a corner "T1" or "turn one". Despite the fact that it lacks any imagination or creativity it would make the whole community look silly. Also, that turn is the final turn in reverse config.

"Car number 42 exits turn one and crosses the finish line!"
Went through hundreds of real track's corner names and it is a pretty big list. There is of course the issue of copying the names, because some sound GREAT! But there are many useful words that could help everyone name the corners properly (ex: Park, Hill, Keyhole, Hook, Loop, etc).

Take a look, it's a big list (Most Australian and UK tracks have witty corner names )

Firestone Corner
Gum Tree Bend
Back Straight
The Esses
Firehawk Sweep
Honda Hairpin
Beach Bend
Potters Pass Curve
Rifle Bend (like a kink)
Cocobana Corner
Beach Straight
Butts Bend
The Sweep
Brilliant Straight
Mineshaft (steep downhill)
Knee (like a kink)
Club Corner
The Rise
Devil’s Leap
Devil’s Elbow
Devil’s Horn
Devil’s Tail
Grandstand Straight
Maternity Bend (very round bend – like shape pregnant woman’s stomach)
Faraway Hill
Moorish Hill
San Francisco Hill
Hill Straight
Export Turn
Park Straight
Park Hotel
Revolver Corner
Attwood Curve
Moss “S”
Piper Corner
Redman Corner
Hobbs Corner
Mike Knight Corner
Williams Corner
S Curves
Dunlop Curve
Degner Curve
Spoon Curve (oblonged shaped curve, almost like parabolica)
Casio Triangle (sharp corners that make up a chicane or complex of apexes)
Victory Corner
Terrace Corner (terrace is like a patio)
Paddock Bend
Hairpin Curve
Twins Corner (two apex corner that is taken as one smooth racing line/curve)
Westend / West End
Southend / South End
Northend / North End
Eastend / East End
Lucky Strike Corner
Main Straight
New Loop
Sunway Lagoon
Kenyir Lake
Pits Bend (either a corner before or after pit entrance/exit)
Lucas Loop
Senna Chicane (we shouldn’t use Senna, but name a legendary driver of LFS )
Wakefield Road
Wakefield Corner
Flinders Street
East Terrace
Jones Straight
Brewery Corner
Bartels Road
Brabham Straight
Aughtie Drive
Sports Centre
Albert Road Drive
Lakeside Drive
Ross Gregory Drive
Dunlop Loop
Stop Corner
Kolb Corner
Yokohama Corner (Evostar, Cromo Curve, etc etc?)
Cat Loops
Cecchele Esses
King’s Avenue
Queen Victoria Terrace
Langton Crescent
Flynn Place
Flynn Drive
Scriveners Corner
State Circle
Karrussell / Carousel (a long round bend that turns more than 180 degrees)
Eastern Loop (Western, Northern, Southern)
Dunlop Bridge
Hell Corner
Mountain Straight
The Cutting
Griffin’s Mount
Reid Park
Sulman Park
McPhillamy Park
The Dipper Esses
Forrest’s Elbow (or Forest’s)
Conrod Straight
The Chase
Murray’s Corner
Recaro Corner
Champion Curve
Fosters Dip
Dogleg (two little kinks put together, like in the middle of KY National)
Gardner Straight
Swan Corner (something graceful and smooth?)
Lukey Heights (use ‘heights’ where there is altitude change on the track)
Pacific Highway (Atlantic Highway)
Hill Parade
Main Beach Parade
The Esplanade
View Avenue
Castrol Straight
Chateau d’Eau
Grand Curve
La Tour
Omega (shape of the corner is like omega symbol)
Phoenix Monument
Sarah’s Cottage
Laurel Bank
Glenn Duff
Mountain Mile
Graham Memorial
Windy Corner
Keppel Gate
Union Mile
Grand Hotel
Euro Curve
Bottle Cap
Widowmaker (implying a dangerous corner that takes lives)
Clover Leaf
Pits Hairpin
Autostrada (straightaway)
Lake Hairpin
Riding School
Azul (blue)
Station (or Train Station, Bus Station, ?)
The Strip
Sand Trap
New Bend
Prince George Corner
Symonettes Straights
British Colonial Loop
Sassoon Straight
Esso Bend
Eckie’s Twist
Royal Victoria Curve
Carlton Corner
Allan’s Alley
Dolphin Corner
Windsor Way
Emerald Beach Pass
Sand’s Bend
Blackbeard’s Bend
Pilot House Corner
Crise’s Corner
Montague Stretch
Parker’s End
Breckenridge Bend
Green Bank
Taylor Turn
The Gulch
Bridge Turn
White’s Corner
Moss Corner
Valley Corner / Curve
Deer’s Leap
Marshall’s Hairpin
Lost Hill
Zorro’s Corners
Cotton Corners
Kettle Bottoms
Hurry Downs
Wiggly Field
The Dunes
Phoenix Flat
Green Valley
The Off-Camber
Gateshack Esses
The Chute
Dam Turn
Santa Fe Straight
Mule Shoe
Big Bend
No Name Straight
Diving Turn
Pine Avenue
Seaside Way
Shoreline Drive
Speed Trap
Tunnel Curve
Long Pond Straight
Festival Curves
Times Square
Dead Bear Turn
Balbach Street
Almaden Boulevard
Ulmann Straight
Sunset Bend
Gurney Bend
Fangio Chicane
Cunningham Corner
Tower Turn
Bishop Bend
Oak Tree
Madison Avenue
Roller Coaster
Hog Pen
Left Hook (Right Hook)
Up Hill
Fish Hook
Pelton Bend
Archers Corner
Bluff Bend
The 90 (90 degree corner)
Rabbit’s Ear
Monroe Ridge
Wing’s Leg
The Plaza
The Whip
Beginner's End
Cattail Straight
Picnic Table
Copperhead Corner
Swift Curve
The Wall

Sorry if it is a long list, but it's nice to have something people can look at quickly and come up with ideas.
Quote from Tweaker :[...]
  • An Esses or "S-Turn" is classified as ONE Turn. (eg Blackwood Esses are not two corners [...]
I was aware of the Blackwood Esses but it wasn't easy for me to predict what the community would go with, so i simply made it two seperate entries. As been pointed out before, if you believe that 2 cornerns should be merged simply suggest the same name for both. And if you believe a part of a track (an über-small kink) should not even be in there, discuss it here and we'll see.
  • A small bend between two corners[...]
Again, it was hard for me to predict what people were expecting. Naming the entry "not a corner" and discussing it here would be a good wait of sorting them bugs out, i guess.
  • There are certain sections that you've put as 2-3 turns, when infact they should really only dotted as 1 turn such as a chicane or a long connecting sweeper.
I guess my esses-reply qualifies as an answer here too
  • You also need to make the AS North hairpin an official turn. [...]
I agree. I'll see to it that it happens.
  • Straightways ...
Yep I'll be adding some straights eventually. I'd also appreciate some pointers on which straights to add. Keep the discussion going.


It's nice to receive some feedback, although i doubt i'll be able to make any changes before i leave tomorrow. Hopefully the community will have discussed and decided on what part of the tracks should be added/merged/split by the time i get back!

PS you could wrap the list in code tags.
Quote from Tweaker :[*]A small bend between two corners it NOT a corner in most cases (like the one someone named "not a corner" on KY GP

Yeah I penned that one, thought it was a nice fit.

I agree with having some discussion... Is 'The T1' really the best we can do here?