The online racing simulator
#1 - mik22
exhaust/tyres/tuning(not ricer) etc..
another would be..

when your car is sitting still on the line revving hard, or sitting on the side no revs, i think there should be smoke coming outa the exhaust when still and pounding out when full revs

tyres should be able to shred off little bits and leave on the side of the track outside the racing like

also, a boost controller of some type to turn up/down the boost. also a turing feature to tune the engine for different events eg. drag/drift/rally ad be able to decide when the boost comes on

Yep, good ideas! But the thing is, while we are waiting LFS to develope, we have to remember that the recources* are limited. Therefore that kind of (graphical eye-candy, not gameplay-improving) features are at the bottom of the waiting list.

a) amount of developers -> amount of working hours
b) calculating power of current personal computers

etc, etc.. can't figure out more cos i gotta start working
I like this idea actually.

But, as Frokki said, "Therefore that kind of (graphical eye-candy, not gameplay-improving) features are at the bottom of the waiting list." is very true.

I'm sure the exhaust smoke wouldn't/shouldn't be hard, maybe an update a couple patches down the line. The rubber shredding off the tyres also sounds good, but has it limits. I'm sure Jakg or someone will mention those soon as I'm to tired to think. But, I'm not to keen on the boost and tuner thing to be honest.

So, +2
The problem with this is (as I've said any of the other times it's been brought up) is that once people figure out what "the best" setup for a car is, regarding turbos, wings, gearboxes and any other parts you could install and tweak, everyone will use the same one.
Look at the Inferno setups - think how many people have exactly the same car setups because of them.

So you end up with an entire field of identical cars, and guess what? We have that already.

However, I do agree that we should have multiple versions of every car. As well as a road RB4 we need a GTR version (although there might be trouble if they call it the RBR ). Likewise for the LXs.
I also have a suggestion for totally changing the method used to choose your vehicle, but that's another matter entirely
Quote from LFSn00b :It's quite amusing, but if the tuning is limited to (example)500Hp, so you can't tune them to max(Which would be 600 In TBOs + LX4, 250 in UF1, 300 in XF/XRG, LRF 750Hp.)

Wouldn't everyone yet again tune their cars to best performance available? I can't imagine a system that could provide possibilities to increase performance while improving or even maintaining the level of online racing experience as it is now. Never say never, but this has been discussed forever without any results.
Quote from frokki :Wouldn't everyone yet again tune their cars to best performance available? I can't imagine a system that could provide possibilities to increase performance while improving or even maintaining the level of online racing experience as it is now. Never say never, but this has been discussed forever without any results.

Altough I don't want this in LFS, I thought the way it would be done, is...

Too much boost = Fast acceleration, not such a huge top speed.
Not enough boost = Slow acceleration, but a higher top speed.

Quote from LFSn00b :...
LRF 750Hp.)

I have a word for you. Power oversteer. On every gear. At every rpm. And all the time.

Would make even the oval narrow and tight
Quote from The General Lee :Altough I don't want this in LFS, I thought the way it would be done, is...

Too much boost = Fast acceleration, not such a huge top speed.
Not enough boost = Slow acceleration, but a higher top speed.

Which wouldn't be realistic, and therefore would be pointless.
Quote from tristancliffe :Which wouldn't be realistic, and therefore would be pointless.

Quote :Although I don't want this in LFS

with the tuning i thought it would be good to tune your car for different events and set boost pressure accordingly to get the max performance

#11 - Mc21
Quote from LFSn00b :

Oh and also that Career mode and better AIs.

This is LFS, an ONLINE RACING SIM.. Not that shitty NFS.
If I remember correctly it was said long ago that dirt, grass and rubber would eventualy be able to accumulate on the track as will water when we get weather. These features are not somthing on the table for S2 though and are not going to be considered until S3.

Adding Exhaust is easy to mod and has been done, look in the mods forum.

Tuning the engine is somthing that has been debated many times in this forum and in the end I think that the only way this could be done so that its not somthing that detracts from the online racing would be to allow people to adjust the shape of the HP and Torque curves while not altering the max HP and Torque values of the cars. In this way people could tune the power curves to best suit the track or type of race as well as the way they drive.