The online racing simulator
Need a 3D car editor...
(63 posts, closed, started )
Need a 3D car editor...
Can anyone tell me a good 3D car editor for LFS (for personal use). I don`t feel like searching for a suitable program right now. Send me a private mesage if you do not want to post. Thanks.
#2 - joen
You can't import the LFS models in a 3D modelling program, it uses it's own format and can't be extracted from the game.
I saw some pretty convincing images with the McLaren F1 .. There is a program ... I`m sure .. or at leat a plugin.
That was made by one person, who made the tools himself. They won't be released.

The only option us mortals have is to export the cars into 3D Studio or similar and play with the models/render them there.
I know about that .. i doesn`t help me .. can u give me the user name that made the tool? I repeat .. It is for personal use.
#6 - joen
No there isn't. The McLaren F1 was made by Kegetys, and he's an extremely talented individual.
But it was certainly not done with a ready to go plugin or something, it was all done by hand. Besides that wasn't an edited car but a totally new model put into the game somehow.
If you're looking for a program to create new models with you'll end up with 3DStudio Max or Lightwave. Those are really expensive though. Maybe you could try Blender or something, that's free. But there's no easy way of putting it into the game.
S2 has more cars though if you're looking for new challenges.
#7 - Jakg
there aren't any, although if you want more cars you can by S2

(The McLaren F1 was done by 1 person, and he will NOT release them)

EDIT - Beaten? Noooooooooo!
I know about the cars. I am interested in puting in a real life car i have converted from another game. And i`m also interested in modifing some LFS cars.:P Hope something works.
#9 - Jakg
how about you buy the game? and have you got permission to convert the car from another game? and do you have the skill to make a new car for LFS? im geussing the answer is no...
1. I will buy the game in the final version
2. The cars are mods for GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas and they are free.
3. Like i said 2 times before, but i guess some guys on this forum are blind they are for personal use.
#11 - Jakg
Quote from TigerClw :2. The cars are mods for GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas and they are free.

free to use in the game, but NOT to convert them to another game
Quote from TigerClw :13. Like i said 2 times before, but i guess some guys on this forum are blind they are for personal use.

i never said they weren't!

Still know Kegety's wont release em tho!
Free to use anywhere ... i checked ... in a wors case you just have to tell the creator you are using it if you make it public wich i don`t intend to do.
(Wenom) DELETED by Wenom
i think what people here are saying is,

YOU NEED AN IQ OF 250+ TO DO THIS (which i know you dont have )
It aint the firs time i converted cars from one game to the other....
#15 - Jakg
isn't it now? well then go and do it!
Quote from TigerClw :It aint the firs time i converted cars from one game to the other....

Quote from anbiddulph :i think what people here are saying is,

YOU NEED AN IQ OF 250+ TO DO THIS (which i know you dont have )

Good luck to you. All you have to do is figure out the format the vehicles are in, and work out how to make LFS accept them. Then make the model, and apply the mapping (and any other model related parameters that LFS might use) in the way LFS expects.

Kegety managed it, so I guess someone else could too. But I hope nothing like this gets released, because the thought of idiots converting low-poly GTA cars scares the hell out of me.

By the way, there is no point waiting for the final version to buy LFS because it will cost the same if you buy it now as if you wait. All you do is miss out on the LFS experience in the mean time, so that us experienced lot pwn your ass in everything for ages.
Quote from tristancliffe :By the way, there is no point waiting for the final version to buy LFS because it will cost the same if you buy it now as if you wait.

actually i have to say tristan is wrong here (well.. any of us are really), but by buying LFS now, your actually SAVING money than if you were to buy it later on because of inflation, when i bought S1, it cost me about 21$, now it costs 23.5$
Oh no!!!! Those $2.50 will never come back! I knew I should have waited 20 years before buying my 486 because they're dirt cheap now, and my money has grown (interest) and... if you want something, buy it. With LFS you might as well, because other than the petty amount of exchange/inflation rate difference it makes no difference.
well.. i mean we all know its going to go up some value over a period of time, until it becomes freeware in like 100 years or more

here are some more positives to get S2:
1. you get an avatar yay!
2. you get a signature!
3. you get more stuff to play with in LFS
As for permissions, majority of model makers release for free, and the user who has downloaded it can do whatever s/he wants with it, which includes remodelling and moving the model into another game. The problem arises when the person rereleases it into the public domain, then it breaches copyright (think this was what you were getting confused with jakg) if it has been released without approval of the owner (if you cant get in contact, general consensus is to put the authors name in the credits). Only other thing is if the owner has explicitily said in the readme no reverse engineering of any sort, (which 90% dont, you only generally see this in marketed products). Had to do all this copyright stuff for university, doing computer games design :] Just thought id fill in the details.

As for moving it into LFS, your going to need detailed knowledge of coding, to make an app that can convert into the correct format. Kegetys is a wizz with that stuff, but good luck to you, if you do manage to do it. however, I implore you not to release it.

At any rate buy S2, you'll love the experience.
Like i said a milion time .. it is for personal use .. NO PUBLIC RELEASE .. maybe some pics .. if i can pull it off .. I was interested in a BMW M5 , Evo 9 and Audi RS4. :P
dude.. there is nothing we can do for you
Nobody is going to give you anything, not even the creator of such "tools".

You cannot easily mod LFS, simple as that. Maybe until S3 is out, but by that time you would have downloaded the new demo and still not bought the game probably.
I love how "bored" the Demo racers seem to be, always mucking about with this and that instead of just buying the
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Need a 3D car editor...
(63 posts, closed, started )