The Evolution X is basically what happens when you cross breed a rally car and a supercar whlilst inheriting their more positive traits.
Oh, those 18 inch wheels are meant for pure tarmac only. This is no different form current WRC which uses 18 inch diameter wheels as well. At least they could actually use wider tires on the Evo this time and do an even better job of bringing the chassis alive.
To squash a myth once and for all, no, 4WD does NOT magically add grip. Grip is a funcion of the tires and how they are loaded. 4WD does however allow the potential to make maximum use of the car's available driving force by doing what 2 wheels alone can NEVER achieve. An ideal 4WD system would allow the use of power distribution to achieve ultimate cornering balance on all phases of cornering, optimizing lateral grip and tractive force. The ACD and AYC on the current EVO XI already come cose to this, with only the front diff out of the equation (helical LSD). If only it had AYC in FRONT them it would be complete once the settings are all done. Of course, a fully electric car with one drive motor per wheel and fully computerized electronic power proportioners and speed controllers would be the ultimate 4WD, but that is another story.
Oh, if both a 4WD car and a 2WD car were given excellent snow tires, the 4WD wins hands down. Assuming that all else is equal of course (both have good suspension, brakes, decent power, etc). Transmitting 300hp to the ground on snow with 2WD is sheer futility if you intend to make full use of it. Unless of course your car is anything that remotely resembles something roadable.
Conclusively, I judge cars based on what they are and what they intend to achieve, without any chauvunistic baggage. I'm a person who would like a car if it is what it should be.