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What do the US people use for tires?!
(67 posts, started )
It really isn't the drivers I guess, I saw this video partly on the news, and they also showed a pick-up truck, suddenly just losing it. Everything seemed nice and good weatherwise, but he just started sliding on the freeway. Almost got hit by an 18 wheeler..

But yea, some of them should have stopped when they were stopped. And if you look at how the cars slid down the hill sideways, I don't think countersteering or whatever would help either.
Quote from sgt.flippy :It really isn't the drivers I guess, I saw this video partly on the news, and they also showed a pick-up truck, suddenly just losing it. Everything seemed nice and good weatherwise, but he just started sliding on the freeway. Almost got hit by an 18 wheeler..

But yea, some of them should have stopped when they were stopped. And if you look at how the cars slid down the hill sideways, I don't think countersteering or whatever would help either.

Nope I don't think so either, there was nothing they could really do. Was funny watching the first person though, was not very bright.
is that english?
Quote from glyphon :is that english?

Fairly sure it's not even though it's in slow mo. Renault Twingos were only made in LHD and never officially imported to the UK.
i only asked because of the title of the video
Quote from glyphon :is that english?

No, not english. It's a Croatian TV channel.

If you're wondering what he is saying, here it is:

"Idiot, he's now interupting us" [rough translation]

Erm... really strange comment when you see car crash near you
I find his overal reaction pretty strange Just stands there looking, smoking his sig, doesn't care at all.
I've also driven an rwd car on WET ICE... It had road slick tyres, kinda like what F1 had back in '98 or so, only three 1mm thick notches around the tyre

I drove 2km on WET ICE, to my mates garage to change my studded tyres on:
From start to finish on 3rd gear, without touching the gas pedal at all, but still the rear wheels were constantly spinning, except when I had to stop. And boy, that was hell in tight junctions - loooong four-wheel drifts using all the road, on third gear and engine at idle speed! Apex speeds varied from walking fitnesswoman to drunken postman with a bicycle...illepall
Maybe you Europeans don't understand the fact that some regions of America barely eveer snow and because of the recent weird climatic changes, people are not prepared. Even here in Montreal, QC, some Skylines owners were totally suprised by the snowsotrm that hit us. Even with the ATTESA-ETS and ABS turned on, it wouldn't have helped because of the set of low -profile tires they has. Funny to say, but some of these people had trouble getting up their own driveway...

But! You guys have to consider the bad quality and the horrible handling of a average American car.

But then again, even a R32 GTR couldn't handles its own driveway in the Canadian weather, it is THAT bad.
OMG LOL!!!!!!!!!! first link is absolutely HILARIOUS, thats not snow though lol that is ICE, the red car spins a good 80 degree turn ... while the front wheels remain stationary lol, thats baaaddd

@driftmaster wht.... what does handling have anything to do with ice? i'd imagine ANY car in that weather unless it had chains on would do the same dumb thing, dont make idiot comments like that

omg... think about what that would be like with a saucer.. you could just run, jump on the saucer and go down the roadways like .. miles lol that would be so much fun!
Quote :think about what that would be like with a saucer.. you could just run, jump on the saucer and go down the roadways like .. miles lol that would be so much fun!

Ooooh yeah, like a "GT SNO RACER" type of thing, that would be sweet!
Quote from LFSn00b :

Yeah, allow stud tyres... Aw c'mon, they ruined a Jaguar!

Those are the same retards jumping out of their car that I posted earlier I still have no clue what thought process could possibly make jumping out of your car into the path of an equally out of control car more appealing than sitting in your car which you've had plenty of time to switch the ignition off and brace before a tiny impact illepall
I blame Bush.
lol.... I know studded tires are common place for you Fins, but Portland doesn't usually get allot more snow than's like expecting Eskimos (not political correct term) to know how to surf........but dam funny never the less
Heh, just been browsing ebaumsworld and have come across another version of the first video posted but in this one they also show a quick glimpse of what happened to the fire truck , I know some one asked in this thread.... ... -crashes-in-portland.html

Here are more vids of people playing bumper cars on ice (quite old i know): ... ;mode=related&search=

not sure how much ice could form in a tunnel though
What makes me boggle most about all of these snow/ice videos is how late people react to what should've been obvious seconds before.

"I'm on snow, that car 250 yards down the road has stopped...
... oh yes, I should think about slowing down
... why aren't my brakes working?
Quote from Dajmin :What makes me boggle most about all of these snow/ice videos is how late people react to what should've been obvious seconds before.

"I'm on snow, that car 250 yards down the road has stopped...
... oh yes, I should think about slowing down
... why aren't my brakes working?

I know, it is rather stupid, and people saying "ohmyrod we don't see much snow" is no reason to drive like a douche, we hardly see snow at home but my dad is yet to crash driving on the rare chances we do get it, mostly because he has the brains not to go out in the car if he doesn't have to, but secondly because he has brains, and all we have is a RWD sallon, none of these fancy Chelsea Tractors.
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I know, it is rather stupid, and people saying "ohmyrod we don't see much snow" is no reason to drive like a douche, we hardly see snow at home but my dad is yet to crash driving on the rare chances we do get it, mostly because he has the brains not to go out in the car if he doesn't have to, but secondly because he has brains, and all we have is a RWD sallon, none of these fancy Chelsea Tractors.

The best of it is though, those people who have Chelsea Tractors, probably have no idea how to use them properly. Worse still are those that think they are invincible because they have one!!!
Apparently when it rained in LA like does in England there was loads of crashes.
When you park, turn the wheel TOWARDS THE CURB.... Isn't that common sense?

And, don't bash them too much, it happens to the best of us:
Quote from wheel4hummer :When you park, turn the wheel TOWARDS THE CURB.... Isn't that common sense?

alot of the time you can see they are.... EVERYTHING is iced over, so really.... you can't do much at all

i find the most retarded part that people were still trying to drive trying to drive

What do the US people use for tires?!
(67 posts, started )