The online racing simulator
G25 owners, i need you.
(10 posts, started )
#1 - lummz
G25 owners, i need you.

I'm having some problems with my wheel, i think. When i set the effectstrenght to the max (150%) in Logitech profiles (or in control panel) the wheel starts to turn from right to left when i let go off it on the straights. Is this normal? Can someone please test it.
It was normal with my DFP when ffb was high and afaik it is the same with every other ffb wheel also. Im not 100% sure on what causes it but ive seen it be said that its a limitation of todays ffb technology and also ive seen it said something about high ffb figures cause forces to be applyed to wheel which arent really there (or something similar)
So from what i know i would say it's normal and just turn your ffb down or dont let go of the wheel
I don't get that on my G25 because I don't have the forces that high, but on my older formula force it would start oscillating like that if you let go while going straight
Going over 100% increases the small forces relative to the large ones (the wheel cannot actually go above 100%, that's the power limit), such as engine vibration. Also the lag inherent in the system will create this also. You should use close to 100% in the driver (it's been suggested that 101% is best) and then adjust the force in LFS to your tastes (IIRC I use about 60% in LFS with 101% in the driver).
#5 - lummz
ok, thank you very much. Now i know that my wheel is working prefectly!
#6 - lummz
But the strange thing is that Logitech think that the product may be defective.
Attached images
Logitech Email.JPG
#7 - ZORER
My momo starts dancing even the car is just sitting on the road when i set the force too high.I don't agree your g25 is defective. I had another issue on my wheel but after opening this thread,
i now think that the ff technology is not at it's best at the moment...
Quote from lummz :But the strange thing is that Logitech think that the product may be defective.

Problem is, they obviously don't know what they're talking about.

This thread over at the wingmanteam-website pretty much explains what Bob said (only from the opposite point of view): Wingmanteam
Great stuff.

I've allways been using 100% 0% 0% and centering selected at 0%.

Now I use 112% 0% 0% and centering deselected, MUCH more real!!

(on DFP)
From a theoretical point of view, I think this is related to the fact that a system with 2 motors can be unstable.
That vibration that you experience it’s the overshoot increasing after a step input (a small tap in a straight line). I wouldn’t be worried that is done in this way to increase the time response (rise time) of the motors, of course the prize to pay is that the steady time and the overshoot increase. As an example, most of the Jets are unstable systems. Why? One of simplest reasons it’s because they need rapid response when manoeuvring.

Of course when over 100% you don’t need the step input anymore, the noise or lag can even play that role.

G25 owners, i need you.
(10 posts, started )