The online racing simulator
Quote from sammi c :hi guys, try this ... nid=63&p13_fileid=349

its called join2lfs, install it in the lfs folder

iv just done it, dunno if it was just cos its late now but it has fixed it

let me know how you get on

That will not help in anyway this is just a program for lfs so you can join a server from LFSW alot easier then opening lfs yourself. To me it sounds like you internet company is cutting down on what you do during the evenings because of the amount of P2P useage that is going on
yeh iv just tried now to connect to master server and same problem is happening. has anyone tried to call tiscali yet? as i will probly do so tomorrow if i have time
I too am getting timeouts >_<

It appears to be a telewest issue though as all of my timeouts occur once I've hit two or three blueyonder routers.

Their status page ( ) doesn't show any current problems, but an issue that was supposedly resolved on the 31/12 "Slow connections nationally" appears to have either come back or not been fixed at all because I am getting really slow pings 500ms +

How long does LFS wait before a timeout?

(PS, I'm on Telewest)
Hello again. Now I can't get a connection to the master server at the weekend. Before I contact Tiscali myself did anyone have any luck getting their connections back up and running? (and how). Any infomation would be greatly appreciated as withdrawal symptoms are kicking in. Thanks in advance, Nigel.
i contacted tiscali yest, and i got told they would get back in touch the same day when they figured out why it was doing that, did they ring back....

il wait see if they ring you back mate and let us know, cos surely they will open it for everyone if it is them that is blocking it?

thanks for help people

hope we can get it sorted
Quote from sammi c :il wait see if they ring you back mate and let us know, cos surely they will open it for everyone if it is them that is blocking it?

thanks for help people

hope we can get it sorted

ok mate im ringing them back tomorrow as i cant wait any longer... i really dont have a prob connecting to any servers its just people connecting too mine... but ill make out im having same problems as you lot....
Same problem here only i'm using Toucan as my ISP.
The problem doesn't seem to be ISP realted. It happens to people joining server no matter of ISP nor where the server is positioned.

I'm currently in to day 8 with constant disconnects making racing impossible. This so sucks.

Any ideas or should we just wait and when we get tired abandon this? I so love LFS but this makes it impossible to play properly, and it's only in LFS the problem exists.

/Mr Hopeless
I have the same problem - cannot connect to the master server. Trace shows the same results as those previously posted. Am also with Tiscali - anybody got any news from them yet?
Same here in France, the ping is sometimes really big.
When i can connect its just for 5 minutes, after its lag and i disconnect
I have Alice ( tiscali) too.
I spent 30 minutes on the phone to Tiscali last night. They say that they do not block anybody from anything on the intertnet at any time. They couldn't ping the master server either - of course they are Tiscali so....

The 'lady' I was speaking to said she would pass the query on to their uber technical team and see if they had any ideas. I asked for an email from them to confirm whether or not it was something to do with their system and will post if anything ever received. Meanwhile Join2LFS appears the way to go.
Same as me, spent 30 minutes on phone to Tiscali. they told me they do nothing to stop any online games. Also, the support guy told me they don't have access to Tracert or Ping, so couldn't tell me anything!

I am able to Ping the master server but tracert times out

Anyone have any ideas yet?

Another concern is now that LFS has the autoupdate feature I won't be able to update to the latest patch as the update connects when you connect to Master server, not good
Try "join2lfs". Link on page1 - 26. Someone said that it's not a solution but I just tried and can join races via LFSW even though I can't get a connection ingame. Hope it helps and keeps working.
Quote from niffer022 :im fine, but i have noticed a hell of alot off people timing out on my server, they sign back in 5 mins later there timed out again, it happen quite alot yest and so far its happened 6 times today....

like i say im fine...

this has been happening a lot on the conedodgers server as well, me included, its very strange as i have never had problems before and its a completely new, fresh install ??
Yes you can use join2lfs but then you won't ever be able to update the game to the latest patch
I too am having the same problems. I was playing fine on Friday all day, stopped for some tea and after that I havnt been able to connect.
I have tried the Join2LFS and it just says waiting for game info, as it does if I try and join a game direct.

My ISP is Pipex - Homecall .

Gutting as I really want to race lol

just to add, I have been playing online today at a friends house with no connection problems at all. I have just disconnected my router and connected directly via USB Adsl modem and it still fails to connect and retrieve game lists and join games.

I would say it is the ISP. Will ring tommorrow.

Nobody got any of the miriad alternative 'online' titles to test?
Not experiencing probs myself but if it was ISP related then I'd also be prevented from running the other 5 titles on my HDD.
Only 'failed to connect to master server' message for me is a pithy reminder that my Chinese-made (where else?) Linksys router has bunked off yet again hehe.
Ok, don't know if this helps anyone but here goes. I was with Tiscali on the 512k package and couldn't query master server but could use join2lfs to race online. Since then I have upgraded to the 8mb Max package, currently getting 5mb download speed. I am now able to query the master server with no problems. Don't know why this would help as I was getting very low pings to servers when I was on the 512k package (32ms). Hope this helps...
like i said im previous posts im not having any problems at all.. but like you i too am on the 8mb connection package.. it my server i was worried about with getting alot of people timing out.... iv rung them twice but i keep getting fobbed off with there nothing been blocked.. blaa blaa blaa
after investigating, i did a search on the BT home hub, to find large amounts of people complaining on forums that it randomly disconnects, for no reason?

i have removed this from my system and went back to an old BT voyager router to see if there is any difference.

the only problem is, i have just bought an xbox360 so i have not played LFS for a while LOL
Havent played LFS for a while but im coming up with this same problem every night (between 16:00 - 23:00 GMT) I also had trouble unlocking LFS as it was coming up "No reply from master server" but still taking an unlock from me (but at least that done now), it's not just LFS though its some other programs I kinda need to run. rang ISP (tiscali) and they said "its because of peak hours, we recommend people dont use 'High Bandwidth programs during this time" as I turned around and said "so erm yeah do that mean I cant connect to anything that uses 'high bandwidth' every night for 2 - 3 months?" and the chap I was talking to repeated the above! yeah pants!!

Anyways I was wondering if anyone has come accross a "fix" for this yet? it is really bothering me now (lol) makes me want to change ISP's but cant afford to swap to a better company (grrr)

Thanks in advance

Oh the specs
LFS ver S2V (unlocked)
OS: XP pros SP2
Router: Netgear DM602 (in router mode)
Connection: 2Mb Unlimited Tiscali package
I'm getting no connection from master server now to everything was fine untill this evening, only had LFS S2 for a week been fine untill now ISP is AOL never had problems before its very annoying. Just thought i'd metion the fact that i'm on AOL as it may change the view of it being an ISP problem

Hope we can resolve this soon missing driving Regards Lee.