The online racing simulator

Poll : Do You think there should be a mountain drift course?

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Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :I started the game cuz the topic was just getting rediculous.

Anyways, thats a pretty cool vid. At first i thought it was only a one way mountain road, because it was so narrow, then i saw the first car coming the other way, and i just thought, holy crap that is dangerous. A track like that, and i track like the three videos i posted (either at top of this page or on the page before this) would be perfect

That road is passo tremalzo according to comments, googling reveals more, but it really is nice route from what I have seen

I would prefer looped track, but with similar characteristic as seen on video, some challenge that would be would be a challange for both of the 2 sides of lfs motorsport(grip and drift)...even for grippers ...i would like to do a mountain race...really tests ur driving skills...on the drift side...same here...see if u can master teh corners :P
PS:just my opinion...still a demo racer...soon S2 player
^ is going to buy S2

< would like a mountain pass track that it like A to B then back to A again to count as a lap

V is gonna buy me some pringles since I just ran out :cry:
^ Is/was on PCF.
< Likes Stadium Trucks.
V Wants a airport course in LFS.
Quote from Ian.H :Considering I had no problems in a road-going 520bhp Cossie.

Sorry bout bringing this up, but any body could drift that car, all you do is turn in and floor it, not exactly hard to do. Come back when you can drift a 130bhp RWD car fitted with an LSD which has a narrow power band, otherwise STFU about how you dislike Drifting.

And yeah, get the Top Gear test track in the game.
I'm So stupid i think that anyone fergot me cause i was a long time agoo away from lfs forum... AND I AM AN DRIFTER...GONNA BUY A S2 LICENCE SOON....and i think that they can make an mountain drift level.cuzz those other tracks arent that good in drift...
Quote :Sorry bout bringing this up, but any body could drift that car, all you do is turn in and floor it, not exactly hard to do. Come back when you can drift a 130bhp RWD car fitted with an LSD which has a narrow power band, otherwise STFU about how you dislike Drifting.

Then you should have no problem drifting in this game. Grab an FZ5 and come and show us your "turn and floor it" technique? No offence, by the way.

Quote from Takumi_lfs :I'm So stupid i think that anyone fergot me cause i was a long time agoo away from lfs forum... AND I AM AN DRIFTER...GONNA BUY A S2 LICENCE SOON....and i think that they can make an mountain drift level.cuzz those other tracks arent that good in drift...

How would you know what they're like?

I'm a bitch X|
Quote from mcintyrej :Then you should have no problem drifting in this game. Grab an FZ5 and come and show us your "turn and floor it" technique? No offence, by the way.

Non taken, but I drift for fun on LFS.
not that anyone who doesn't already agree with me will care or get anything from what i'm about to write, but i feel that irrational urge to spew forth anyway....


isn't that the point of movies like Tokyo Drift? i mean, are there parking lot designers out there thinking to themselves, man, we really need to design these ramps to make them easy to drift on? no. they build parking lots to park in, and drifters come along and drift in them, and that's half the fun, isn't it? same as skateboarders grinding handrails and fountains and those crazy russians who freeclimb buildings.

i would love absolutely love it if there was a hillclimb in LFS, and if drifters wanted to drift on it, more power to them.

but for the love of whatever you think is lovable, stop the insanity! a road is a road is a road. drive it the way you want to drive it, and shut up!
Well, yeah, to each their own. I'm sure most people would agree with you there

But noone likes bloody SHOUTING!
Quote from Hankstar :Well, yeah, to each their own. I'm sure most people would agree with you there

But noone likes bloody SHOUTING!

that's why i did it.
What it should be is a drag strip style thing, but the other way around. I would like to see a touge road course that is not too tight, i.e. 2.5 F1 car width.

To solve the problem of the restarting nonsense, ( imagine the drag strip). we should have the mountain course from A winding to B. Once at B, the road then cut to a highway ( where pits can be located) uphill till point A again. A bathurst type circuit isn't bad but perhaps more street orientated?

Evil geek, don't rant about drifters around here. Some stuck up drifters might think so , but plese don't generalize the whole community. You live iin Canada and I am sure you are aware of the growing drift community in Quebec and British Columbia, with great people organizing DMCC, which many of them play LFS ( for your info). Don't generalize. Sorry that it fell on you but I'm sick of ppl here ranting about drifters.

Many of us can drift the majority of the track configurations available, but you have to remember that there are little low-speed, narrow configs. ( unlike the high speed ones available). I'm sure many of the drifters only request a wider variety of tracks.

Some of the drifters may think that oval are completely useless, ( bla bla rant...) but to others, it is the greatest feature for the oval fans.
evilgeek - Im afraid you dont see the point - let me explain.
I can drift any track in LFS, its not that hard since basicaly there isnt a lot of turns you have to combine in to massive single powerslides because of long straightaways, why I would like a mountain pass, is because it's narrow, challenging, and has a whole lot of turns and not so many straightaways, it would suit me just well, but on the other hand - every good racer wants a narrow, dangerous challenging track, so that would aid both drifters and racers... and tokyo drift fanclub kids who somehow ended up in here, not in NFS...the only type of people who would get no kick out of it is the FragMaster team who specialises on oval track racing...
I guess that doesnt bother you, me or even duke other doesnt bother anybody...
now I will go drink some more beer and go to sleep
as you said - a road is a road, but I like my roads twisty
Quote from -DrftMstr- :
Evil geek, don't rant about drifters around here. .

i wasn't ranting about all drifters. i clearly stated that i don't have a problem with people driving any style they want, just with drifters who rant and/or expect special treatment.
why do grip racer's Hate Drifters??? Becuzz they cant drift...
because you knobs call them "grip racers". jk
because of the constant display of immaturity and ignorance about racing and cars by certain individuals who claim to be drifters.
and because they are closeminded, ignorant people who dont like things they dont understand and arent willing to learn. They think they're right, but arent willing to really think about things that they already oppose.

why would anyone vote against more content added to lfs? they see drift and have a kneejerk reaction.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :why do grip racer's Hate Drifters??? Becuzz they cant drift...

If you knew anything about drifting/cars/racing/anything (which you don't, by the way) you'd know how stupid you are.

I'd be willing to bet you don't know why they *really* put aero kits and wings on drift cars.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :why do grip racer's Hate Drifters??? Becuzz they cant drift...

Hahahahhahahaha, thats one of the funniest things I have heard in a LONG time. To be a good grip driver, you must know what to do if the car loses traction, and to recover it. I bet you didn't know, that one of your heros, judging by your fanboy-ness of drifting, is Keiichi "Drift King" Tsuchiya. Well, he, first and foremost, is a Grip racer, not a drifter. He cut his teeth in the Japan Freshman Cup, and only began to slide the car, because he was so far ahead, and wanted to have some fun. He actually retired from racing in 2003, as a driver of the ARTA NSX in the GT500 category of the JGTC(now SuperGT). Why am I telling this to you though, you obviously know nothing of what it takes to be fast, considering one of your idols is a cartoon character.(Looking at your username, again)


PS - Please use full words here, not text speak, as, some of our members cannot speak English that well, and have a hard enough time trying to understand it as is.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :why do grip racer's Hate Drifters??? Becuzz they cant drift...

Hah. Hahaha! Alot of racers don't mind drifters, its just when drifters say things like that, they start to become tired. I'm a "grip racer". Have been for a long time, but I drift too. I find drifting a little more relaxing, more social. As the atmosphere in the server isn't always centered around the driving. But I do love racing, as i'm competitive.

It depends what you like, also another point. Takumi, with that "Demo user" notice stamped under your name, people automatically think that your a "drift wrecker noob". Especially when you say things like that.:smash3d:
#245 - Ast
The improvement suggestion has been brung up, why dont you all just do the poll and do your own individual thing on LFS..Simple Enough?
A Simple poll for a simple suggestion, even that turns in a Flame War. I prefer both styles of driving, I'm not the best at drifting but I can pull off some stunning drifts but I also love to race. There's nothing wrong with either style, it's just down to some silly individuals who can't keep their nasty opinions to themselves

I think the poll however says the story The track wouldn't just be for drifters (although it would probably get used alot by them) but it would also be great for precision driving.

Take a look at Forza Motorsport with that 6 mile mountain track, I've done both drifting and racing down that circuit and it is Amazing on both scales, steep turns into mind blowing sweepers. IMHO bring in the Mountain track
Mountain road, yes please. The netKar namie had a great mountain circuit which was one of my favourites.

I grew up in the Adelaide Hills, and have driven all around Tasmania & New Zealand and I'd love any long & winding track with steep elevation changes. Or one that's modelled on the road from my folks' place in Forest Range, down to the bottom of Norton Summit (via Basket Range) and back up to the ol' homestead again via Greenhill Rd. Sure, none of you know what the hell I'm talking about but suffice it to say it's about a 40 - 50km round trip with some of the most beautifully twisty and hilly roads anywhere, and has some stunning scenery (most of it's a blur if you're doing it right but you can catch some great views over the various valleys ). It's brilliant fun, even in a rented Hyundai with a gutless 1.6 But I guess anything's fun in a car that isn't yours

Maybe you can tell I don't get back home much these days ...
Lol im going to hate myself now ... But yeah i cannot try to force racer's to drift

BTW: I like to drift,i even love it.....i hate racing because im too slow...

I cannot race..That's why i hate normal racerss.... But i do not care if you guys race or drift..Do what you can!
I couldn't race too, but guess what...

I practiced, so I'm silver licenced now, and I was pretty good in XFG/XRG. =)

now the XRT/RB4 :/

btw: why do we need hills...

In The Netherlands you don't have hills, and you can still race there =) the u got 2 name's on the side???

Mountian Drift Course
(482 posts, started )