Depends on person, not my mummy at least
Maybe someone from the forum, several if the need rises...
There are imho basically just two reasons why the ring is outside from our grasp. Time and money. In that order. I see no actual reason why it couldn't be pulled off, if people paid something like 10 or 20€ and few thousand actually paid it. It would take quite a delicate process but I see that it could be done. But To actually create the ring in LFS. It would take just way too much time. You could create two or three real or fantasy tracks in the same time.
However, as I see it, the track would work in LFS, imho. Not as a public race track but defenately as a league race place and as a hotlapping and trackday track. It would work because the main thing at driving at the ring is the "driving on the ring"-thing. Just to be able to race on that legendary track would imho be enough for many. If you create a fantasy track that is as long it wouldn't be as popular because no one is interested about fantasy tracks that are 20+km long. It would be just a HC hotlap track.
Nurburgring is everything that LFS tracks aren't atm. Very fast and very challenging straights. Very fast corners an very slow corners, lots of height differences and the narrow track width with deceivingly little space to go off. Lots and lots of bumps, suspensions shattering holes and corners. Other long tracks like Isle of man don't have that test of hardness and toughness what the ring throws at you. Even if it was the greatest track of all times, it would still be too time consuming to get into LFS.
As I see it, the only way to get a real track into LFS is that the devs choose and create the track behind closed doors, finish and release it just when it is ready. No public voting system or money raising system would work because people would just seek for better allternatives. Like let's say we had three possible tracks. Ahvenisto from Finland, Snetterton from England and Sachsenring from Germany. If all of these would be available, would there be any reason to make public polls about it? No. If the devs want a real track into LFS, I'm sure they have already made their minds of what kind of track it should be, where it should be located and what they need for it. I'm sure they won't mind if we ask around but the decision is theirs and I'm very sure that any extra pressure from us won't make it come into reality any faster.
Mosport, Laguna seca, Bathurst
And that Sachsenring looked nice as well. Scavier, you know what to do