The online racing simulator
player name size/name alignment
I race oval quite a lot and whenever i get really close to someone, i often find i get blinded by their name. i think that when a player gets to within 20-10 feet of you, their name should begin to get smaller. either that or make improvements on aligning the name with the players car, because i noticed as you go faster, your name will get farther away from you. In this case, the other racers name goes right in front of my face and i can no longer see
For now, just press n and turn them off.

Agreed the current system isn't ideal, though.
#3 - Davo
I think that the names are too small currently and don't show up far away enough. If they get in the way its easy to turn them off and then back on again with a few taps of a key.
I like small text for everything. The smaller the better- within the limits of readability of course. Games with huge fonts look less serious to me than games with smaller fonts- that's probably how we understand things as we grow up, children's books have bigger, bolder, more readable fonts, and books for adults have much smaller letters all crammed together. LFS looks too big and bulky in regards to fonts atm, smaller fonts would I imagine give the sim a more serious look.
those things shouldnt be tampered with Let it stay as is. besides even a guy with really bad eyesight can read it
#6 - Davo
I understand what you're sayin Kar but you can't compare books to this. You don't see road signs written in tiny writing. It all has to be in proportion to be visible. I have the ingame chat text foint size at minimum for this very reason. about a setting in the options menu that lets you adjust the name font size just like there is for the message size? i dont see how it would be too hard. Also, i know i could easily turn the names off when driving but when driving so close to people, i like to keep distractions to a minimum and not have to worry about turning names on and off.