The online racing simulator
Website/hotlap Improvement
(5 posts, started )
#1 - Frags
Website/hotlap Improvement
I suggest a hotlap-list like the one we have, in the "Online Racer Stats"
Right now, i'm using an excel file to check which hotlaps, i have done.

The "Online Racer Stats" makes it very easy to see which combinations is NOT driven.
Attached images
#2 - Sk0rp
I would like to be able to see that stats in the game.
Perhaps if you have choosen a track and select a car after that that you could see all the laptimes you have driven on that track.
Would be nice.
#3 - Lible
Quote from Sk0rp :I would like to be able to see that stats in the game.

But you can already? /w pb, etc.
Yeah, but a more visually appealing version would be nice. Although rather far down on the important changes list.

Website/hotlap Improvement
(5 posts, started )